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Thread: GIRLS help me out... :)

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Drogba88 View Post
    i havenot heard today with her...
    should i wait her to send message...or should i send(and what) or call her..??
    why did she mentioned her boyfriend at last message...?
    Most likely the case, and I know this is going to zoom in from one ear and out the other but i'll still say it, she's not interested in you that strongly any more..

    The best advice I can give you is.. for the moment.. leave her alone romantically.. move on to other people.. and come back to her later.. (she will forget or weaken those bad emotions/feelings she feels towards you such as pushy-ness, awkwardness)

    Then, there are no magic words or lines or stories that you will tell her that will make her fall in love with you.. That's not going to happen.. if some Voodoo guy tells you it can, and you test it and it works.. (PM me.. then maybe i'll consider writing a book.. right after I marry Alessandra Ambrosio)

    With that being said.. just call her up.. if you can call her.. CALL HER.. and TALK.. about what? ANYTHING! Honestly.. learn to have some moxie.. but if conversation isn't natural for you.. write down some "talking points" which are like "ideas"/"topics" that you'd think would be fun, interesting, funny, etc to talk about.. And just TALK.. forget e-mail.. forget text.. forget little messages.. when I want to see if I really connect with someone.. I want to hear their voice.. and i'm sure she feels the same way.. the voice is powerful.. because it's MORE of YOU than text-only is..

    So if you have the chance to talk.. TALK.. because if you text.. it doesn't matter what you say.. because the fact that you texted instead of called alone shows "I'm too much of a wussy to call you".. and that's NOT attractive.. for either gender..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I dont know and understand her absolutely 100%...because she is sometimes giving so clear YES signals and then all of sudden she is giving NO signals....
    i cant say that i dont care about her...i do...and even now when she is with other guy...i like her...but i want HER to be happy...it does not matter with who...the MOST IMPORTANT thing is HER happines...and thats the TRUTH...
    i was seeing other girls in last 2,3 months...but they are NOT like HER...and i am not type of men who CAN be with someone while thinking about someone else...
    i know one thing she started the whole thing and she was really trying to get close to me...and she really LIKED(i dont know now) me...i know that...but from 8.month and week before her travel to sea...our relationship is going DOWN all the time...
    and i really dont know how to carry on with this...because i am really sad...

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    the problem is not in HERs Yes or NO signals...she first start and give YES signals..then she gave some NO signals...and that NO signals where on the TOP when she send that message(look i and you are friends and we will stay that)..and i then also give up...i just send her that WUSSY message answer(honestly i dont believein that..but if you think now that then okay...i can only say you what you said to me first...enjoy in your perfection when we cant together...)and i sent her message 2 days later for New Year...she didnot answer for last 2 messages....and now she send message after almost 2 months...WHY does she do that..??i feel so ....i dont know....very confused and sad...because i almost forget her...but its hard when she keeps coming back...and is living in building next to mine...
    so PLEASE girls and "boys like GrkSCorp" help me out...
    good luck with your love-life...i hope you will never be in my situation...

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    and also THANK YOU for all your help until now...

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    just f*ckin move on.

    DO IT!!!

    how many more signals does she have to send before you get it? im sorry but she's NOT just into you. she probably just have sent you a message because she's bored and she knows you'll be more than willing and would give anything to talk to her again. and yes, you're all confused again even after 2 months, just to prove it.

    now, learn to move on. like, REALLY move on. whether she tries to talk to you or not. or if it may help, just find another woman you can give this attention to, someone that reciprocates it, at least. just this time, do things differently. no more demanding-ness, pushiness and all that obsessing sh*t.

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