I guess I start with a little bit about me, I came to the states about 6 years ago from Germany. I ended up in New Jersey due to the US Air Force witch I enlisted in. My plan was to do my 6 years and move back to Europe. At the time I thought it would be just enough time to see a little bit of the world before I go back home well So after 5 years in jersey and almoast done with everything, I met a girl. She was visiting jersey at the time and stayed for about a week. We had such a great time and saw each other almost every day before she had to go back to Washington State. And even after that we kept talking and texting as often as possible. Well she invited me over, and I took a week of leave the next chance I got. We had the time of our lives and from that point on we where a couple. I still had a year to go in the military but I got to see her 3 more time within the next 6 months.
So I decided to take her to Europe for a longer vacation. And there I probably made the biggest mistake of my live. On a weekend trip in Paris on top of the Eifel Tower I asked her to merry me and under tears she said yes. At the time it felt so right, like we both wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

After our vacation in Europe, I had to finish up my last 2 months in the military so we both parted for a little wile.

After the Air Force I moved to Washington State to live with her. I basically came over there without a plan, but that didn’t mater at the time cause we where together and that was all that mattered. I found a good job over here after a couple of weeks of job searching and thought to really start my new live with her now.

I live here for 5 months now and after the second week I started working again, things got very weird. I knew something was going on but I didn’t want to bother her too much and left her room to breathe. And then one day she called me at work and told me WE HAVE TO TALK and I knew what was coming. So after work we talked about our relationship and it all ended with me getting dumped. She just justified it with " I don’t want to be in a relationship right now"
I still don’t understand why but I feel like the biggest idiot in the world (well the reason for dumping me is probably another guy, but she would never admit that)
So no here I am without family or friends slowly prepping to go back home to Germany.
So my question is: Should I wait for her to change her mind or take the little pride I have left and just go home?