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Thread: Think I will be Okay?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Think I will be Okay?

    I went through some serious heartbreak all summer, as some of you remember. Now in 2 days I leave to Ohio, 1800 miles from anybody I know, except the ex-girlfriend who plays with my heart who is also still attending this school.

    I am really nervous about it all, not just the girl part but everything in between, my ability to cope without anyone there. man this sucks...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brooklyn, NY
    I remember. You're the guy with the scholarship, right? You're going off to school. It's the best place to make friends!

    You act like you're about to go to prison

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I agree!

    You'll make a bunch of new friends!

    As for your ex-girl friend, ignore her, everyday that you have to be there with her, it'll only make you a stronger person and soon you will really see how ****ed up she is and you'll be able to feel sorry for how pathetic she is for having to continually play with you because that's the only way that she gets kicks is by causing a man harm.

    Been going through something like that with a protest group I'm with.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Join groups with similar interests to yours. Also, make sure to study VERY hard. As that will free up time for other things, believe it or not. Alot of students CRAM so the free time they do have they spend it worrying about the next test or big essay. Forgo that, get your work done early, and reap the rewards. The friends and GIRLS will come
    When I had a girlfriend, and before I decided to live the single life, I learned a thing or two about keeping the peace. This book helped.

    [URL="http://www.itshelpful.com/makingup"]The Magic of Making Up[/URL]

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    cebu City, Philippines
    Make your life busy. As what they said, make a bunch of new friends and joined groups that interests you. In that way, you maybe forget your ex...make your mind busy thinking about your school, etc.(not your ex, of course!). GIRLS are everywhere, you can find another for sure!

  6. #6
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
    IndiReloaded is offline Yawning
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    Do well & hit on lots of girls. Do not fall into the PlanB guy trap.

    I promise you will REALLY enjoy seeing your ex get all upset b/c you are walking around campus w/the new, hot honey you're gonna meet. Make sure when you see her you give your new GF a hot steamy kiss & an ass fondle right where she can clearly see you. Make sure you smile knowingly at her (but don't stop to say anything) as you walk past.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

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