This is not only my first post here, but my first post anywhere like this. I had no where else.. to really turn. And don't really know exactly all what to say..
I'm a 23 year old female and I practically have either no sex drive, or a low one. Really low. Talking about this, is rather embarrassing, but I want it fixed. I masturbate probably.. every six months at the earliest and a year at the most latest. The only medication I'm on is BC, and I had this problem before that. I don't orgasm during sex, and no guy has ever gotten me off.
Of course, I've always had bad experiences with sex, being pressured into it and other things. But, I hate being this way. It makes me feel inadequate, and when I tell someone, they get this look like.. it's all my fault and they leave. I get rejected a lot for it.
Please help!