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Thread: So Confused

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    So Confused

    Alright... Well here it goes.

    Well a really good friend of mine who is a female was over at her friend's house. She was talking to me on the internet and her friend started talking to me. We were having a really nice conversation. I said that I wanted to ask her to be my girl friend but wanted to learn more about her. After I was satisfied with how much I know about her, I asked her to be my girl friend. Well she goes to a different school and we never saw each other. But we talked a lot on the phone and by internet. Her friend who I mentioned in the first sentence, I found out had a HUGE crush on me. Well she basically did anything to get us to break up. One day I broke up with her after going out for two months. Every time she tried talking to me she I just pushed her away and acted like a big jerk. Well as we grew further apart. I grew to love her more. I made fun of her friend who tried to break us up a lot. So one night, I wrote her a four page long sorry letter. It took me a long time to write. She finally accepted me. I asked her to be my girl friend again and she said that there was no way she would say "no" Well we were going out and things were fine. I met some of her friends and they thought we shouldn't date because we didn't see each other. Well I soon found out that my girl friend never wanted to date. She wasn't ready. She broke up with me. We fight a lot sometimes but the fights are decreasing now. Well I kept hearing about how she loved me. That she was absorbed by me. She also said those things. So I asked her to be my girl friend again. Things were going fine. I found out that she had an "obession" at her school who just became single. Her friend said that she was really happy about that. That she could finally flirt with him. She said that I wasn't supposed to know. Well I was PISSED OFF! We got in a huge fight. We didn't talk for about a week so she broke up with me. Well she keeps telling me now that she loves me. That she misses me. She said she cries over me a lot. She trusts me a lot and tells me what she wants to say. Basically I'm the person she can tell basically everything too. She told me about a problem she had. I gave her advice. I never experienced her problem but I tried. She didn't take the advice and said I didn't understand. I said that why should I even bother giving her my advice when she never takes it. I remember my mom telling me that girls usually just need to talk to someone and it makes everything better. Well she said that she wasn't trying to be mean but I really didn't understand. We talked later that night and thanked me for listening to her and that one day I will understand everything. That she will tell me EVERYTHING. She tells me she loves me and misses me a lot. Well I've heard that she loves someone else. On AIM, I put my away message up as "She never loved me. She never loved me. She never loved me. Why should anyone?" and she read it and said "I loved you." "I love you" I have no idea what to think. Does she really love me? What is going on? Please help me! Thanks for taking your time and reading this.

  2. #2
    peshkunta's Avatar
    peshkunta Guest

    That sounds like a very confused girl. Women are known for not being able to make up their minds, but trust me men are just as bad. Sometimes I don't really know what I want and which girl I like better - sometimes I like one better and other times the other.

    This girl sounds like a case of the can't-make-up-my-mind syndrome. The last thing, though, you want her to be is sorry for you - that might smooth things for a little while, but in the long run, it will end up the same. I think she might like that other guy - her "obsession." But, so what! As long as you are having fun with other girls and liking her hasn't stopped you form being and thinking of other girls, you are fine.

    All I can say is...enjoy it. I've noticed that people when they like someone, a lot of times they won't just have fun with them and enjoy the time they spend together unless they "own" them - and have to define the relationship right away. I think that's wrong. Make sure she has space and is free, and so should you.

    Just don't overdo the relationship - take it slow and easy and always have other girls. Don't stand around and wait for "that special one" - enjoy as many girls as you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I've dated like 49 girls. This girl feels like she is "the one" I can't really describe it but the feelings between us feel so strong. I can't even compare other girls to her. I don't want to date other girls anymore. Sometimes I find myself to be attracted to some other girls but it's just a phase and I know that. How can I go about taking it slow and easy?

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