Minorestest offense, huh? Nomas, I am no typical "white" girl, sure enough I descend from the Vikings, but I also have some Tatar-Mongolian blood in me too (bet you can't tell huh?). If you're quite knowledgeable in history, you'll figure out what nationality I am.Originally Posted by nomas
So picture this - I'm on a student visa, here in the States, and experience MAJORESTEST offense on a daily basis... hell I can't even rent a steam vacuum cleaner at Albertson's because I am not a resident! Every time I travel I have to go through hard-core security where everybody scrutinizes me as though I'm a terrorist in disguise, while I'm literally being stripped of clothes and the measly remnants of my pride.
Talk about minor offense. I'm so used to it, I couldn't care less anymore.