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Thread: How can I show my parents he's the real deal?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    How can I show my parents he's the real deal?

    I'll apologize now for the long post, but there's a lot to explain.

    Just under a year ago I ended a two-year relationship with a guy who I blindly did not see was unworthy of my time. He was emotionally neglectful, sexually abusive, lazy and unmotivated, unwilling to take responsibility for his actions (he refused to say he was sorry for upsetting me, rather opting to say that I am overemotional and expect too much from him so I set myself up for disappointment), and a pretty frequent drug user. My parents however really liked him because, except for the above reasons, his personality was very similar to my father's. My ex and my father also shared many many common interests.

    I finally got the nerve to end the relationship. Around the same time I got in touch with an old friend. After three months of friendship we decided to start a relationship. We are currently dating and have been together for about eight months now. He has never once hit me or hurt me, he apologizes when he is wrong, he gives me unparalleled advice and has helped me through several intense emotional issues, and I have never been happier in my life. We are in love and connected in every way; we are positive that we are going to be married in a few years.

    However I have the nagging feeling that, although my parents like my current boyfriend, they are hesitant to get close to him. I get the feeling that they think our relationship is simply a rebound. If there ever was a guy who was not a rebound, it would be my boyfriend!

    So, how can I show my parents that they should give my boyfriend a chance? He's not going to hurt me and I know he is the one. Any advice anyone may have? Anything you could say would help me.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    why does it matter?
    u said they don't hate him so just let it play out, there's only one way to prove ur really going to last the distance and that is to last it... why would u worry what ur parents think so long as they aren't giving u a hard time?

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    It sounds like they are polite to your new boyfriend. That is all you have a right to expect. Anything more may (or may not) develop in time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Parents can be this way because they still want to protect YOU and themselves from your boyfriend. They eventually saw your frustrations with you ex- and are being hesitant with the new boy because of that.

    It will only take time for them to eventually come over. And trust me, a GREAT deal comes from the fact of how they see how HE makes you feel. If you're happier than ever and they see this...they'll come around much quicker. If they see you miserable over him, then it'll change it all around.

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