Same girl, I did what you guys said and kinda just "Ignored her". She got used to me calling her but I stopped it. So, recently I checked out my facebook. I never go on it, ever. And about 3 weeks ago we hung out had an awesome time (She invited me) and afterwards we got in a fight. I told her that she gets mad at me all the time because I tell her how shit works. That you can't just blow someone off time and time again and expect them to take it. She just isn't used to her other friends telling her that. So, out of all the 300 pictures she could add on her phone she adds only....3. 2 were both me and her and the other was one I took of her. Now, she said she didn't wanna talk to me anymore 3 days before that.

We were in class yesterday and since it's the end of the school year facebook was unblocked. I was showing this other girl a funny picture I had that she wanted to see. The girl who I have been ignoring rushed up went to see if there were any signs of me knowing she uploaded the pictures. I had been on a day before so it wasn't like I had just logged on to see all this new shit with me and her in pictures. She looked at the computer and just looked real puzzled.

Today was our last day of school. I left early because I finished my finals before anyone else. It was a really small class and she had kept staring at me and poking me on the shoulder and stuff. I didn't play along but I said "Whats up" and then continued to go back to work. When I was done she was expecting me to go up and say something to her. That attitude where she tries too hard to ignore you and looks up at you once in a while. I walked out and I just said "See you guys in 3 months". I don't know if she was stunned that I didn't nag her to hang out. If she would have just said "BYE!" that would be a horrible sign.

I'm not usually the social networking type but I can tell she wanted a reaction out of me. But the thing is, this time I didn't give her one PERIOD.

The pictures- Did she put them up for me or to get another guy jealous

The Attitude- Bored at the end of the day and wanted some attention, or specifically wanted attention from me.

You guys are ALWAYS a great help so I look forward to seeing you're responses.