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Thread: Loving someone from long ago

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Loving someone from long ago

    I fell in love in a girl very long ago in 7 th grade, i was 15 at the time and now i'm 36, i still think of her!

    She live 30 meters away from a friend of mine (according to the phonebook) in my town of about 1.5 million people.

    The thing is that i want to make contact with her and hopefully get something going.
    Preferably falling head over heels in love with each other
    I don't know what she think of me but i'm sure she will remember me, but that might be the limit actually.
    I certainly don't want to become some stalker or so.

    I found her blog 2 months ago and she really love to travel, i'm the other way around because of fear of planecrashes.
    But it seems that she is single from reading what she is writing.
    She seem to be working with similar things as me, electronics and machineconstruction, she is an engineer.
    I'd really like to be able to discuss technical solutions with her, i know she is the smartest person i have met so far.
    I guess love is hard, tho ofcourse i know i love to be in love

    Is this just insane or what would you think about all of this?
    I really want to meet her and see what will happen sometime this summmer.
    I would like some comments on this.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    The smartest person you've met to date was from when you were in 7th grade? And 15 years old in 7th grade?

    Uh... yeah. Insane.

  3. #3
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    I think intelligence isnt attached to age.
    And yes, she is the smartest so far, i guess there was a reason she had skipped ahead.

    Maybe i experience her meing smarter than others might think she is because i fell in love even tho i really struggled not to, i certainly didnt want to fall inlove.
    But i did anyway.
    Nor heart or brain listened and i fell in love weather i liked it or not.
    Last edited by Real Anonymous; 21-06-09 at 05:00 PM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Real Anonymous View Post
    I think intelligence isnt attached to age.
    And yes, she is the smartest so far, i guess there was a reason she had skipped ahead.

    Maybe i experience her meing smarter than others might think she is because i fell in love even tho i really struggled not to, i certainly didnt want to fall inlove.
    But i did anyway.
    Nor heart or brain listened and i fell in love weather i liked it or not.
    You're sure you're not idealizing or idolizing her?

    Anyways, she's in the phonebook.. give her a call. What do you have to lose?

    What's so hard to say? I mean.. seriously: Hi, it's (insert name), remember me from highschool? Yeah I stumbled up your number and was wondering if you'd like to catch up...wanna meet for coffee say.. next monday 6 pm?

  5. #5
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    Yes i'm idealizing her, but just alittle i hope

    Actually, giving her a call would feel like invading her privacy and make me feel like a stalker, strange thing is that i have no problem calling other people from the same class.
    But i like your idea.
    However, my general idea is to meet her on the town wich would feel very ok, then i wont be invading her privacy in any way, i'll just say hi and go from there.
    Good thing is that for me to get to my new job i need to go trough the subwaystation she propably use to get to work.
    At the machines letting people in to the station they have built a little cafe for all the commuters, i could grab something there every day to increase my chances to meet her

    But what about the issue that it's been so long since either one saw each other, it's been some 22 years, is it ok to still have some feelings for someone you met so long ago?
    I almost feel like i'm the wierdest guy alive or something, tho i know i'd like to be near her, i hope she will accept me enough to get to know each other.

    Actually i'd like to do more than just being near
    I'd like to be her boyfriend and eat breakfast with her in the mornings, falling asleep in each others beds and do other "bedrelated things".
    But then that is up to her, not me.
    Last edited by Real Anonymous; 21-06-09 at 11:34 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yeah you could do it that way to and then go via the same lines, that you'd like to catch up over a coffee or so...

    And easy tiger.. don't come over to needy

  7. #7
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yggdrasil View Post
    You're sure you're not idealizing or idolizing her?
    Of course he is. But its also cute he's kept a torch for this long.

    Just do what Ygg says: call her up to say 'hi'. Say you'll be in the area & ask if she'd like to catch up over coffee. See how that goes.

    Whatever you do tho, keep your real feelings close. Don't lay out all your cards right away or she'll think you are a freak (or at best someone who can't control himself), and run.

    Good luck.
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