Hey guys!
I've been dating this guy casually for about a month. We're not going out and are both seeing other ppl, but we see each other about every other day & when we dont, we text all day.
Well we were out late yesterday & both slept just 3 hrs. Today we texted all day and he was hinting that we were gonna meet up today. I so didnt remember and he just kept on saying "you're getting old" and "think about it". I finally said "man, you're being mean" and he stopped answering. He got off of work so I gave him 2 hrs (we're usually texting within minutes) and no answer. So I said "did ya fall asleep or are ya ignorine me now?" NO ANSWER! Now I think he wants to get cocktails but we just kinda said that we'd do that SOMETIME. Could he seriously be mad that I forgot? I dont want to be clingy and ask him again what's up. Why the hell wont he answer me????