Me and my ex gf started dating in 2005. We went out for about 3.5 years, and she broke it off with me at the end of Feb. 2009. I tried so hard to get her back for about a month to the point where she basically said to leave her alone, and we shouldnt talk anymore. After much advice from my family/ friends I tried my hardest to move on, let her go, and get her out of my mind. Months went by and we had no contact. Then she started emailing me about a month and a half ago. The first email came on my birthday at the end of June. I didnt respond. She sent a second one mid July. The third one came about a week ago. Each email just said "hi how are you, havnt heard from you in a while, how have you been, blah blah" and on the third one she wrote, "please respond to this one". So I did.
Over a couple days we exchanged emails and ended up hanging out this past sunday at my place. She ended up staying the night, but nothing physical happened. It was very surreal, with back rubbing, hugs and cuddles and staying up until 2 AM talking. Before we went to sleep I tried to kiss her but she pulled back. I acted like no big deal. The next morning she emails me saying "Sorry I was nervous, but wanted to" Then she says she wants to stay again another night this week.
What the hell is going on here anyone? It can only be 1 of 3 things.... 1- she is looking for a friendship only (but I can rule this out im pretty positive) 2- she is not really sure what she wants (again I think this isnt the case) or 3) she wants to get back
Please help....