usta lttle smtg i found on my friends blog. It would be interesting if u just folow on and help her in critisizing tho XP

I have been wondering around and surfing the world of internet, and my friend was right, a lot of interesting things are likely to be found almost everywhere on the net

=p/s, today I am criticizing, criticize with me if you want, ur most welcomed=

I have found this guys blog, Shit (Super hardcore irritating t*****n) *writer's name changed due to personal reason

It seams, some of us thinks that a person could grow out of his or her childishness when they reach a certain age. But I think I have the prove to prove it wrong. In Malaysia, a person is considered an adult or grown-up when he or she hit the age of 18. Eventho said as so, the one I read had terrible mind and even a kid of the age of 7 is much more mature than him. Not to forget, this particular person does not even have the most BASIC manners of a human, those manners even a kid of 5 would know.

No 1) Shit treats the blog like a place to dump shit not aware that other people would read it and get VERY offended to what Shit wrote. This is quite comment to be done, but who will write things such as "my sister n my mum r both bitchs! May u both burn n die in HELL!!! I don't care if u read this because I m very pissed off with u!"

-a kid should know better than no matter what ur parents do to u, even if it is wrong, they still do it for ur own good-

No 2) Shit never thinks about other's feeling. A person confessed his/her love to this Shit (I wonder how this person can like this piece of shit *confused* O__O ) Nevertheless, this person confessed her/his love and apparently, after being rejected, Shit criticize the person again and again saying that "the person have no brains" and "I will never like u" then "How could u say that u even like me? im in such disgrace" (indicating that Shit is humiliated being liked by this person)

-no matter how bad it is, never criticize another person, it is not one, it is WAY more than once, what more when this person didn't do anything wrong except falling in love with you (yeah, WRONG CRUSH!! VERY WRONG!!)-

No 3) Never let down a certain grudge. From the way Shit keeps on writing in Shit's blog, Shit has been getting a lot of comments from Shit's friend. Shit will highlight whoever he/she is and find a way to hit them back. Even it was only a very small comments such as "i feel sorry for the person u banged about" Shit will scream at that person and Shit will start criticizing about this person in Shit's blog.

No 4) Quote >> " Not to brag, but I'm really a nice guy in person, but in my blog, I can also be a nasty person as well. Sometimes, when I criticize people, it could be unintentional, but as far as you have seen, quite a lot of it were intentional"

So what is shit trying to say? Nothing. Shit is eating up his/her own words! I am a nice guy and I often critisize people unintentionally, but now I criticize them intentionally.......... so? What your point?

-A kid know better than this stupidity-

No 5) Quote >> "Sure, people think of me as a person who loves nothing more than to condemn people. Honestly speaking, I don't like condemning people. In fact, it hurts me whenever I condemn someone, but I can't help it. Sometimes I'm satisfied when I condemn someone."

Same stupidity, I am not the only one that thinks he is nothing but a person who loves to kill another person and criticizing them without feeling that does he have the right to judge another person? It’s not one person, but many. Plus, he makes himself sound so barbaric
[URL=]originated from starlight blog[/URL]