The only thing more expensive than sex for money is sex for free. If money's an issue definitely stick to the escorts if that sort of thing doesn't bother you.
Plus a girl expects phone calls, courting rituals, etc, etc. Time is money, so that furthers the cost right there. If I had no qualms about exploitation or disease I'd be all over that shit.
Last edited by Gribble; 01-09-09 at 11:35 PM.
God, so atrocious in the Old Testament, so attractive in the New--the Jekyl and Hyde of sacred romance.
-Mark Twain
If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
-Albert Einstein
You read that, girls? Makes sense! be reasonable.
Don't expect anything.
If you're not making an emotional investment, you may as well just stick with the pros.
Spammer Spanker
Wrap your tool though. Wrap it well
I went to the gym and went for a long run.
I saw this girl on one of the running machines and she was very nice and pretty. She was only very small and she was cute because she was cute but also because she had a little bit of muscle on her. Ok, she was probably hot, but still.
It made me feel depressed because no one like that will ever go out with me.
How do you deal with the depression associated with understanding you cannot date 95% of the population. Previously I had been trying hard and held hope but now I understand how low down I really am.
Why don't you try being happy that 5% of the population IS accessible to you? Seriously, not to sound preachy, but I have a lot of patients for whom even THAT is not the case. You need to learn to be grateful for what IS within your reach.
For the record, I doubt 95% of the population is compatible with me, too.
That's because you don't understand gratitude, george. It's kind of a whole life-philosophy. I suggest you try volunteering for some organization that helps out people who are REALLY down on their luck. It might teach you some gratitude and adjust your way of thinking, which would make you more appealing to everyone, including yourself.
Have you ever fired a gun?
You are very judgmental. What is boring about helping other people?
You need some self esteem.
By your attitude and the way you carry yourself...
I see why you're not getting the attention you want.
I just wanted to talk about this.
I am in love with the coffee shop girl. I know it is completely and utterly illogical and I have prevented myself from asking her out. I mean, what personal connection do we have - zero. We'd never have met if it weren't for coffee as she is well out of my league and a few years younger.
There is nothing to suggests she likes me either - apart from her constant smiling which is no doubt part of her job. I am also pretty certain that preparing food for someone is not exactly a major turn on for most women. Although it is exactly a turn on for men. Further reducing the balance in this scenario and tipping it further towards the utterly ridiculous.
I'll pay her a visit nearly every weekend. I'll order the same or a similar coffee and she will smile softly and carry on in much the same way as she did smile at me. Watching her make my coffee is a genuine highlight of my day. She rolls up her sleeves and I can see her soft little arms and as her hair is tied back I can see her ears which are just as lovely as the rest of her. To me it is a tender moment to her I am just another customer and no doubting she is likely aware of my oogling.
I'd like to ask her what is her name. I'd like to make her a coffee and something to eat. I am just dreaming and she probably hates me as most women seem to hate men for wanting to show them affection.
If I was a better looking man maybe I'd have a chance but I am not and no amount of anger or sadness can change that.
What do you ladies from the other side of this scenario think ? I'm sure some of you have worked in hospitality when you were younger, or still do. Likely you hate us and think we're just sleazy men after one thing.
There is a really cheap and cheesy line that goes in here and I'm sure you can guess what it is.
I don't understand why I am treated like a criminal by women for simply liking them it is not my fault I am ugly.
Last edited by BoredGeorge; 20-09-09 at 09:57 PM.