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Thread: CC'ing work emails

  1. #16
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    Office workers shuffle papers and file reports designed to reach such nebulous goals as "increase sales," or "maximize efficiency in the feedback sector."

    Construction workers handle solid, heavy building materials to reach the tangible goal of "get this f**king building standing by the contract deadline."

    Office workers play politics, shift work-burdens from themselves to others, and use carefully-worded E-mails to make it appear that poor results are anybody's fault but their own.

    Construction workers who try to slip half of the ditch they're assigned to dig into the other guy's in-box get an upside-the-head lesson in 2"X4" justice.

    Office workers can "study-group" and "brainstorm" a project until their supervisors finally give up on a bad job, and try something else.

    Construction workers can get today's ditch dug, pipes laid, outlets wired, and drywall hung, or they can look for another job tomorrow.

    Bitchy, psychotic, conniving, backstabbing piece-of-shit paper shufflers find fame and fortune in the world of business.

    Construction workers who bitch instead of working find a new career in the unemployment line. Or perhaps in politics.
    When in trouble,
    Or in doubt,
    Run in circles,
    Scream and shout.

  2. #17
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    Plus, you'll rarely, if ever find any attractive women on the job site.

    That eliminates 90% of the drama right there.

  3. #18
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    Construction workers will immediately alienate someone who is different. They will bitch about office workers. Whenever something goes wrong there is a big fight about whos fault it is. Men are laid off at the drop of a hat because they're all on contracts. The business owners and sub contractors are all hated by the workers because they make so much money. They will also give a hard time to the guy sweeping the floors. I dbout they're sdrama free too many big egos for that.

  4. #19
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    Well, I can't comment further b/c I know nothing about construction office dynamics.

    I can tell you about managing large groups of people in a corporate setting tho. 90% of the conflict is started by women. The rare time there is a conflict from men, usually its because something has been grossly mismanaged. Guys don't bring up problems to management lightly in my experience, and they tend to do it more subtly.
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  5. #20
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    Construction workers will immediately alienate someone who is different.
    Wrong. I've seamlessly worked with men from many different cultures, and even alongside Union guys without even so much as a scowl. Your attitude towards your work and other people is what reflects upon you more than even what language you speak.

    They will bitch about office workers.
    You'll always hear guys smirk or critique the architect or engineer that designed the building because too often they go to college for 4 years and come out thinking they know everything. I worked on a firestation where the engineer(s) that designed the building did not leave room for all of the ductwork, electrical piping, and plumbing piping that had to be installed above the ceiling. There should be at least 1 foot of vertical space for every trade to work with so they're not running into each other. Because all the trades were having so many issues with the installation of someone else, they had to pull in all the big wigs, including the engineer to work all this stuff out. So yes, "f*cking engineer" is not an unfamiliar phrase in this industry.

    Whenever something goes wrong there is a big fight about whos fault it is.
    This may be true...on the administrative side of things, because they're the ones dealing with all the money and contracts. The boots on the ground don't bother. If something is f*cked up, and I'm sent to fix it, even though I didn't do it, that's because the foreman doesn't trust the guy who was responsible, to do it right. I don't worry about who did what unless someone is holding me personally responsible for something I didn't do. Which rarely happens if the foreman is managing everyone properly. We have a saying that goes something like: "Don't worry about anyone but yourself." This means that even if you see someone getting away with coming late, slacking off, or doing shoddy work, you don't need to worry about complaining about it because they'll get what's coming in the long run. Foreman don't like drama, and hearing guys complain about other guys is drama.
    Men are laid off at the drop of a hat because they're all on contracts.
    So? This is the easiest way to eliminate said drama. Construction is mainly a meritocratic industry. For the most part, the cream will rise to top. Companies that practice favoritism over merit will be wrought with drama and complex politics. The good, quality worker that is intolerant towards this kind of company culture has more freedom to leave because his work will speak for itself.

    The business owners and sub contractors are all hated by the workers because they make so much money.
    This lends towards a union vs. non-union discussion, but I'll still touch upon it. Most reasonable guys will recognize that running a business is not easy. Many of the older boots will say they would rather be doing the labor because there's more job security there. You work efficiently for 8 hours and go home with money. Less headaches.

    The company owner needs to juggle a lot more, and everything is at stake. He/she has a family too, and between looking for, estimating, and bidding on jobs, keeping up quality control on the guys working on your current projects, dealing with inspectors and licensing issues, and virtually being on call 24/7 is not exactly a walk in the park. It can be easy for the guys doing the labor to become complacent because in our minds it's like this money is coming from an unlimited source, while the owner is trying to budget to ensure that they won't have lost money at the end of the project. If they end up in the hole too much, there may be several guys, even good guys, out of the job.

    They will also give a hard time to the guy sweeping the floors. I dbout they're sdrama free too many big egos for that.
    The guys sweeping floors are working just like we are. They keep the floor clean, and the puddles to a minimum which makes working less hazardous for us. Less to trip on, and less mosquitoes biting us. The more they have to clean is a reflection upon us. If they're sweeping up a lot of electrical material it means we're being careless by not cleaning up after ourselves. This reflects upon the worker, and upon the company as a whole. In fact the general contractor will charge the trades according to the amount of debris is found in the trash. If the GC is holding the foreman responsible, you can bet the foreman will hold us responsible as well. Seems fair in my mind.

    And an ego is important to have in construction. But so is tact. There is a time and place for both.

    When I first started with this company, I was late twice because I was held up at the McDonald's drive thru. When the foreman asked why I was late, I simply said I didn't have an excuse. Why? Because I know he doesn't care. If I'm late because of traffic that means I'm not leaving early enough. If I know I'm gonna be late while waiting in the drive thru, I should simply leave. He looked me square in the eye and said in a stern voice, "Don't be late again." He didn't have to say "or else", and the fact he addressed it in a forward fashion only made me respect him and the rules more. His message was clear so I would have no one to blame but myself if it happened again. After that was dealt with we continued to work as if nothing happened. He didn't give me a heavier work load, and I didn't give him any attitude.
    Last edited by Junket; 19-10-09 at 07:58 AM.

  6. #21
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    George, while your performance evaluation shouldn't be cc'd to coworkers, that doesn't mean it won't be. I think you're right to be cautious, but don't worry too much.

    Please remember that you are nowhere as interesting to other people as you are to yourself. That doesn't just go for you, it goes for everyone. Your boss doesn't spend all of his time thinking of ways to hurt and humiliate you. You're new enough at the job that they probably don't even know that you're an antisocial misogynist yet, so you're probably still in the clear.

    You worry so much, George. I think you should look into medication. Seriously. I'm not saying that to slam you; I think you might get a lot of good out of it.
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    George, while your performance evaluation shouldn't be cc'd to coworkers, that doesn't mean it won't be. I think you're right to be cautious, but don't worry too much.

    Please remember that you are nowhere as interesting to other people as you are to yourself. That doesn't just go for you, it goes for everyone. Your boss doesn't spend all of his time thinking of ways to hurt and humiliate you. You're new enough at the job that they probably don't even know that you're an antisocial misogynist yet, so you're probably still in the clear.

    You worry so much, George. I think you should look into medication. Seriously. I'm not saying that to slam you; I think you might get a lot of good out of it.
    It was literally one paragraph saying that stuff was going on that has nothing to do with me and to keep doing what I was doing before.

    I'm basically... insane.

    I am not a misogynist but I am anti social.

    Medication is bad and is a stupid idea.

  8. #23
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    I dunno what to say, George except this:

    Do you admire people who whine and complain? Who say they can't get a girl/job/education b/c of life?

    No offense young man, but there are people out there with physical disabilities, serious illness, all kinds of problems who do totally amazing things with their lives. You are not at all hard done to and are actually better off than most.

    Its not about what is 'out there' or who is bitchy/who isn't. Not even who cares/who doesn't. Its about what is 'in you'. Will power, man. Suck it up. Pick a goal, something you care about and then go get it. You've got one kick at the can. From where I'm sitting you seem plenty smart, so no more excuses. The only true loser is someone who wastes his chance.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post

    Medication is bad and is a stupid idea.
    Then look into something that might help you handle anxiety that is NOT medication. Maybe switch to decaf?
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  10. #25
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    And be sure to clean your plate; there are starving kids in Africa that would love what you have!

  11. #26
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    Not at all Chupa. That's not the argument. External motivators never work to evoke change. That's why his focus on more money to get girls etc, won't ultimately help him.

    I'm not saying he shouldn't do that--making money is one indicator of someone who is motivated. Women do find that attractive. But for its own sake, its not going to help him.

    George, you have to figure out your 'why' just as much as 'how', kid.
    Last edited by IndiReloaded; 21-10-09 at 01:59 AM.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  12. #27
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    I'm just making fun of your/our age.

    So far as I can gather, the OP needs to develop his personality and people skills while ditching the woe-is-me attitude and start taking personal responsibility for his life. I don't see it happening though, at least, not through anything someone on here says; he needs a moment of clarity.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chupacabras View Post
    I'm just making fun of your/our age.

    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

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