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Thread: I suck with women so much, long post, need help and lots of it

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Oh, put a sock in it, bitchy. You don't have enough relationship experience to draw these conclusions.
    Wow... way to try and rub it in for the record a relationship with a person does not need to be sexual for you to judge their character. In that regard I have had many 'relationships' with lots of women so I know exactly what they are like.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Wow... way to try and rub it in for the record a relationship with a person does not need to be sexual for you to judge their character. In that regard I have had many 'relationships' with lots of women so I know exactly what they are like.
    You haven't had any good relationships with women, George. You can bash women all day to the regulars; we know you and aren't fazed by your anger, but Sleke is new and might actually take your bizarre, woman-hating opinions to heart. I don't think that's a good idea.

    I really have no idea why it's so hard for you to find a decent woman, George. Australia seems to be full of them. Are you just attracted to the worst kind of girl or what?
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    You haven't had any good relationships with women, George. You can bash women all day to the regulars; we know you and aren't fazed by your anger, but Sleke is new and might actually take your bizarre, woman-hating opinions to heart. I don't think that's a good idea.

    I really have no idea why it's so hard for you to find a decent woman, George. Australia seems to be full of them. Are you just attracted to the worst kind of girl or what?
    I've had plenty of 'good' relationships as in friendships but they always turn me down so I can't be stuffed being friends with women anymore.

    Australia is just like America in that the women have hugely long standards and are massively pick and basically money is everything. There are differences and some women are good but generally they are already all taken. Women are so stuck up and demanding that it is impossible for a normal bloke to get anywhere.

    Australia used to be a really good place now it is just like America only with a stronger economy and higher standard of living across the board in addition to access to healthcare. So it is actually miles and miles and miles better than the USA which has unbelievable poverty but the women are still stuck up.

    Maybe it is hard for me to find girls because I am ugly ? Did you ever think maybe I am right and it is my looks holding me back ?

  4. #49
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    I am eagerly awaiting the massive personality transformation that George will go through when he settles down and finds a good girl.

    I might even have a cake delivered to him.

    Until then, just remember, all women are driven by possessed demons they harbor, and Gigabitch is the respective leader of the tribe called "womenz."

    "What you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power.
    You fear your own anger, the drive to do great and terrible things."

    The Warmonger

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    What the **** happened to this thread?

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    I'm guessing it's your personality, George.

    You either act contrary and bitchy to hide your ignorance or are one of the best troll's I've come across; don't know which it is but either way, congrats.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chupacabras View Post
    I'm guessing it's your personality, George.

    You either act contrary and bitchy to hide your ignorance or are one of the best troll's I've come across; don't know which it is but either way, congrats.
    That is because you lack information. I used to have a really good personality and was nice to everyone and go on well with everyone but no matter what I did the girls would reject me. I have had people try to fix me up many times. I have been really well respected in a big group of people and that is one thing that puts a lot of pressure on girls and usually persuades them to date someone but the girls could not bring themselves to go out with me. Even when one of the men in the group would try to persuade her by directly saying that I am really good. Even recently one of the few friends I have was saying that to a really hot girl who is also a friend because it is clear that I like her and that we get along well but it will never happen. Ask yourself why ?

    That is why I say to the OP if you are really having trouble you need to ask yourself : is it because you are not brave enough to approach girls or kiss them ? Or do you seem to do everything right and make your intentions clear yet are still rejected.

    If it is the latter you need to accept this might not be a short term problem and that you could simply be unattractive to women. If that is the case I urge you to get on with your life and get over it. Beyond that I have no answers as I am still trying to find them myself.

    I tend to think that as soon as the paradigm of 'looks don't matter' is broken then women will start to date ugly men with good personalities again, why ? Because it is very easy to say that you are interested in someone because of their personality when they are good looking, however when women are not told to think that way they'll be more likely to notice an ugly person with a good personality as they'll be more focused on looks and the personality will actually stand out as it is not being drowned out by her perception of the hot man with a 'wonderful personality' that is actually crap.

  8. #53
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    lol as i went to the 4th page, i had to re-check the thread to see if i was on the right one cause the 4th page certainly looks like a thread started from boredgeorge.

    well here's my thoughts.

    i was in your situation too, with a girl that friend zoned me. she too was also very well known amongst a lot of people, so i was always under the suspicion that she might be seeing someone or something. i even posted the aftermath of that god awful saga on a thread here. this is what you have to do: if it's the fear of rejection that is overwhelming you the most, all you have to do is face it head on. if anything, practice. even though your eyes are on this certain girl, just try picking up chicks at parties. chances are, you'll get rejected or accepted. im not saying to actually hit them up or sleep with them (though some liquid courage and kept secrets might make you do that ) but just to get you familiar with and used to the rejection feeling so then it'll be nothing later.

    what you also want to do is get away from "hanging out" in that sense. cause then she's only going to see you as a friend. i would say perhaps once in a while it's okay. but if she ever proposes to do something with you like "hanging out" just act like you got something else to do. with that, if she keeps persisting to ask you then, the feelings are looking mutual and that's a good thing. also if you strike up the courage and ask her out on a date, and she rejects, try not to make a big deal or look down about it (which is hard for even me to say cause im not a virtuoso at getting girls too, if anything im on the same page as you are as well as the same age). just continue doing what you do. she's gonna want someone that is hard to get so be more like that, or else, just like the girl that ruined my year, she's just going to get bored and lead you on. my fault was that i was too nice and always there for her. like a friend. good luck
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]so you lost a limb but hell, you will heal in time.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by thrillaveza View Post
    lol as i went to the 4th page, i had to re-check the thread to see if i was on the right one cause the 4th page certainly looks like a thread started from boredgeorge.

    well here's my thoughts.

    i was in your situation too, with a girl that friend zoned me. she too was also very well known amongst a lot of people, so i was always under the suspicion that she might be seeing someone or something. i even posted the aftermath of that god awful saga on a thread here. this is what you have to do: if it's the fear of rejection that is overwhelming you the most, all you have to do is face it head on. if anything, practice. even though your eyes are on this certain girl, just try picking up chicks at parties. chances are, you'll get rejected or accepted. im not saying to actually hit them up or sleep with them (though some liquid courage and kept secrets might make you do that ) but just to get you familiar with and used to the rejection feeling so then it'll be nothing later.

    what you also want to do is get away from "hanging out" in that sense. cause then she's only going to see you as a friend. i would say perhaps once in a while it's okay. but if she ever proposes to do something with you like "hanging out" just act like you got something else to do. with that, if she keeps persisting to ask you then, the feelings are looking mutual and that's a good thing. also if you strike up the courage and ask her out on a date, and she rejects, try not to make a big deal or look down about it (which is hard for even me to say cause im not a virtuoso at getting girls too, if anything im on the same page as you are as well as the same age). just continue doing what you do. she's gonna want someone that is hard to get so be more like that, or else, just like the girl that ruined my year, she's just going to get bored and lead you on. my fault was that i was too nice and always there for her. like a friend. good luck
    nah just kiss her. All it takes is a kiss to eliminate the friendship equation.

  10. #55
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    Oh my god! Why semi usefull?

    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Wow.. something semi useful, great post.
    Oh my god! Why semi usefull?

  11. #56
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    you need to make light of things and keep everything in line. dont take life to seriously. when she says i hope you make good breakfast she's testing to see what your thinking. say something witty back like i'm an awesome chef but i only work for massages. something as simple as that makes your intentions known in a non threatening way.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    I tend to think that as soon as the paradigm of 'looks don't matter' is broken then women will start to date ugly men with good personalities again, why ? Because it is very easy to say that you are interested in someone because of their personality when they are good looking, however when women are not told to think that way they'll be more likely to notice an ugly person with a good personality as they'll be more focused on looks and the personality will actually stand out as it is not being drowned out by her perception of the hot man with a 'wonderful personality' that is actually crap.
    George, looks DO matter. Its wired into us biologically to want to reproduce with good-looking partners.

    But, for those who fall short in that area, there are other things that can compensate. Personality, intelligence, wealth, success, etc.

    Different people weight those factors differently. Including physical looks. Personally, I have no interest being with a guy who looks like Brad Pitt. What a frigging headache.

    Capish? This isn't rocket science.
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  13. #58
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    Maybe stop whinging is the first step... you had 3 gfs thats more than me.

    The thing about women is that they're bad so you need to find a good one that is still attractive enough for you to want to bonk... its hard to find a woman who is nice.

    I found this fatty and I thouht she was alright I was going to look past her ugliness but then she yelled at the pizza guy and was mean to me so I think to myself 'stuff her she'd eat too much and our fat children would starve'.

    number one importance of women - not how would I like to bang her ? But - is she a total and complete bitch ? Dun let her boobies distract u if she is evil.

  14. #59
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    More and more...

    I think that Bored George is the only regular poster on this forum who has anything close to a grip on reality. Keep it real, George!
    When in trouble,
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  15. #60
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    this may be a bit off topic (but looks like this threads been derailed already) but i've found the op quite useful to me. I wasn't sure what it was but I used to have dificulty talking to girls and you've explained why. It was me constantly wanting girls to like me when I spoke to them - making me nervous etc. This changed however during my first real relationship where I got to talk to girls without thinking about stuff like that. After we broke up this stayed the same for some time but now I've found myself liking another girl and thanks to you i've identified falling back into old habbits. When we first met we hit it off because i didnt care if she liked me or not, now however I seem to have messed things up by being a complete pussy and actually caring about the outcome xD lesson learned. I just need to stop caring again I guess. Thanks
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    - The The, Lonely Planet

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