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Thread: Not enough love

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Not enough love

    I've been with my boyfriend for nearly three years now, at first our love life was wild, we would make love 5-6 times a week, even twice a day. But now we have sex maybe 3 times a month.
    It's not that I don't want it, because I do, there are times when I have to practically beg him for sex. I usually initiate it and there have been plenty of times when he has turned me down.
    It hurts my feelings and it makes me feel like I'm undesirable, like I'm not sexy or good enough for him anymore. I get a lot of attention from other guys but it doesn't turn me on or anything, I just want my to turn my man on. It's gotten to the point where I'm just so frustrated, I don't want to have sex with him just to spite him, and I think our love life is pretty much dead.
    He says that he finds me very sexy and attractive, and he doesn't really know what is wrong with him.
    It also makes me angry when he sees pictures of sexy celebrities and he gets excited.
    What should I do?

  2. #2
    Illusional's Avatar
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    to be honest, i think that the attraction has faded. it can't be helped at times because people fall in and out of love so easily. i can understand how you feel when you say "it makes you feel undesirable" but maybe you should look else where to someone who is more deserving. because i don't see this sex drive getting any better once it has faded. raverboy
    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    A few things come to mind...

    a) he could be depressed, or on his way to depression.
    b) I've heard of low testostrone levels in men contributing to this..
    c) he could be cheating - there are signs to look for with that, and
    I'd I'm not sure of them. -
    d) You're relationship is for all tense and purposes over, and its just a matter of time.

    I don't know if its one of these, a combination of them or any of them at all. You obviously don't feel good about it, so you should definately bring it up with him, and if you want, go see a doctor/consellor about it.

    good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Wow...this does happen, and when it does, it's time to take stock in the rest of the relationship.
    If your relationship was all about sex, it's over, and good riddance to it.
    If you love him for other reasons, and he loves you, than you may have something salvagable and worth saving.
    Yes, he could be depressed, or cheating, or both...you need to know. Have a heart-to-heart, but try not to sound accusing; try to sound desperate for him and wanting to know what you can do to make things better (trust me, this will get you further). Either way, you'll have an idea of what you have on your hands, and what it's worth.

    If it falls apart then, call me. I love sex.

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