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Thread: I can see why men do this...

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    While I do believe that women that are simultaneously attractive and intelligent exist, I think they are very rare. It's certainly not set in stone, but there is a negative correlation between intelligence and attractiveness, and it is more pronounced in women. This is because society has not gotten over the idea of men being "bread-winners," and so a very attractive girl may correctly assume that she can find a man who will take care of her, such that she doesn't need to learn much of anything beyond social graces.

    Certainly, some girls realize this and decide to learn, anyways, but it's obvious that there are some who will be comfortable with their ignorance, even if they were born with a lot of potential.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Hi Graham..... I've (female in the "best" age) been living like that since ten years and I think it's great! It's who you choose that makes the difference. There are a lot of intelligent men and women out there who think the same. The main thing is to communicate what you want. With my "friends with sex" I can have great indepth conversations that are seldomly possible without having an intimate relationship, and I think I learn and have so much more from life with this way of living! With some it's been going on like this for over these ten years. We all know from eachother that we have the same opinion. Never had any dramas. With the time you'll have a great circle of people, all having their specialities to help you move on in life resp. you also help them to move on. Ofcourse you loose some on the way, but you also win new ones.... it's the own choice that sets you free in mind and action and maybe even to making this world a bit opener! And as for me I love and care for all of them just for who they are!

  3. #93
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    I have no problem with someone sleeping with multiple people or setting up FWB situations as long as they are honest with everyone involved. If someone hasn't found someone that is right for them, they can keep looking but still have fun with "friends".

    I would just caution against making sweeping statements that there are not any amazing women out there. Not to get all "The Secret"y but, I think there is some truth that you kind of get what you put out there. I know women who constantly complain that there are no decent men out there, that they are all dishonest, cheaters, lazy, stupid, bad in bed, etc. These women DO seem to meet nothing but losers when I know from personal experience that there are tons of great guys out there.

    The same goes for men. Guys I know who think all women are superficial, gold-digging whores seem to find nothing but superficial, gold-digging whores. I have no problem with someone being picky and not wanting to get into a relationshop with the first person who comes along, but I think you need to be open to the possibility that there are amazing, wonderful, beautiful people available.

  4. #94
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    Lite says:

    "Actually, I was asking the original poster. Not you. And yes, it is a loaded question, being used rhetorically."

    it doesn't matter if your post was directed at me or not. A logical fallacy is still a logical fallacy.

    "But glad to see you're still here and still spouting off your delusions of adequacy."


    "My response to you would be, "Meeting your mother." Or, if you don't like that one, how about "When I come into contact with a girl that is both biologically and emotionally compatible with me, my brain involuntarily releases vasopressin, which kickstarts the human pair bonding process in males. At which point, I find myself unable to control myself and I vomit on them."

    now I doubt you even know what a loaded question is. You seemed to put some effort into coming up with a response. However, your answer is irrelevant. You could have said anything, but by answering my question you acknowledge that you're desperate and insecure.

  5. #95
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    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole View Post
    Lite says:

    now I doubt you even know what a loaded question is. You seemed to put some effort into coming up with a response. However, your answer is irrelevant. You could have said anything, but by answering my question you acknowledge that you're desperate and insecure.
    Actually, that's not how that works. Just because you answer doesn't mean you've acknowledged anything. It depends upon how you answer, and frankly I don't actually care what you think of me, so since the answer had no actual bearing on the reality of my life, there were no consequences about the answer.

    The loaded question's answer, really only has relevance if it is asked in a manner that is relevant to those listening/reading. And,really I doubt most people care how I answered your question.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  6. #96
    Join Date
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    brb, getting schooled in logic and then pretending it doesn't apply to me. lol

  7. #97
    Join Date
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    Its easy to sleep around but I rather have no STDs or go pregnant and then force to do abortion.

  8. #98
    Join Date
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    welcome to the 21st century! There are such things as condoms and birth control =]

  9. #99
    Join Date
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    !!! Lol !!!

  10. #100
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    San Fran
    I love this thread! It's so funny!

    I also love when a guy thinks he deserves an amazing, top-notch woman with no defects when he obviously has some defects of his own.

    Believe me, lacking humility, treating women with judgmental disrespect, acting like a jerk, and being a man ho are some pretty big defects in most womens books. I bet if you're "Perfect" woman had any of your defects you would dismiss her as being "decent".

    Pure Comedy.

    The woman you describe as amazing exists. She's just so amazing that she can have her pick of guys who are nice, genuine, kindhearted, and non-defective so she most likely won't choose you.

    If you are going to go around breaking women's hearts and objectifying them for sexual gratification just own up to your douche-baggery. To blame your behavior on women being inferior to your standards is just plain immature.

  11. #101
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    Neo, your problem is you are surrounded by mutts so that's all you have to compare to yourself. I doubt you were competitive enough to get into an Ivy League school. You don't know what its like to run with thoroughbreds. Not that its really a big deal, but your optics are very narrow for what's out there.

    So, mbe b/c of the company you keep you think you are a big fish in a small pond. But so what? The next stage is you become a big fish in a wide ocean. And beyond that it becomes "Oh, I went to [insert snobby college name here]... what program did you study? Biochemistry? Big deal. I studied math/physics/medicine/law/etc". If you manage to piss up THAT pole high enough, then it becomes who you studied with, how many papers did you publish, where did you end up getting a job, who makes more money, who has the better house/car/investments, who has a Nobel Prize...

    And then in the end you both die and end up eaten by worms anyway.

    Almost noone ever thinks to ask: but who was happiest or most satisfied with their life.

  12. #102
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    LailaK says:

    "I also love when a guy thinks he deserves an amazing, top-notch woman with no defects when he obviously has some defects of his own.

    Believe me, lacking humility, treating women with judgmental disrespect, acting like a jerk, and being a man ho are some pretty big defects in most womens books. I bet if you're "Perfect" woman had any of your defects you would dismiss her as being "decent".

    amen sista! Too bad you're preaching to the wrong choir. Nobody said they are looking for the perfect woman and certainly no one here said they are perfect.

    "If you are going to go around breaking women's hearts and objectifying them for sexual gratification just own up to your douche-baggery. To blame your behavior on women being inferior to your standards is just plain immature."

    I'm guessing reading comprehension isn't your forte?

    "I want to iterate that I treat both girls/groups with great respect."

    "I have friends and then I have f*cks. I don't mix the two and remain respectful to both."

  13. #103
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    IndiReloaded says:

    "Neo, your problem is you are surrounded by mutts so that's all you have to compare to yourself. I doubt you were competitive enough to get into an Ivy League school. You don't know what its like to run with thoroughbreds. Not that its really a big deal, but your optics are very narrow for what's out there."

    omg, u managed to sum up my existence in one profound revelation that completely changes how I've viewed myself all my life!!! Thanks for lulz.

    "So, mbe b/c of the company you keep you think you are a big fish in a small pond. But so what? The next stage is you become a big fish in a wide ocean. And beyond that it becomes "Oh, I went to [insert snobby college name here]... what program did you study? Biochemistry? Big deal. I studied math/physics/medicine/law/etc". If you manage to piss up THAT pole high enough, then it becomes who you studied with, how many papers did you publish, where did you end up getting a job, who makes more money, who has the better house/car/investments, who has a Nobel Prize..."

    doll, you really must expand your scope of thinking beyond the archaic view of success.

  14. #104
    Join Date
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    San Fran
    Hey Neo! I love responses!

    You're absolutely right. No one said perfect, my bad. She just has to be gorgeous, intelligent, do volunteer work, have heart, no defects... there were some others mentioned but I can't be bothered to look back for them. Anywho, this dream girl sounds pretty perfect to me but maybe she's not, maybe she has a hammer toe, I don't know... Point is, I STILL find it funny when defective men think they deserve the cream of the crop. Not saying you're wrong, just saying it's funny. It'd be like me not seriously dating anyone normal because I felt I was deserving of Raul Bova and nothing less...

    As for reading comprehension, I think it's more a difference of "What the word respect really means to you and me." Call me a prude but the statement "I have friends and then I have f*cks" doesn't really scream "respect" to me. As a woman, if a guy referred to me as one of his "f*cks" I wouldn't feel respected in the least, but that would be my fault for sleeping with an arrogant douche.

    Hope that clears up any misunderstanding of my post! Looking forward to more entertainment on an otherwise boring Monday night.

  15. #105
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    LailaK says:

    "You're absolutely right. No one said perfect, my bad. She just has to be gorgeous, intelligent, do volunteer work, have heart, no defects... there were some others mentioned but I can't be bothered to look back for them. Anywho, this dream girl sounds pretty perfect to me but maybe she's not, maybe she has a hammer toe, I don't know..."

    haha, you still don't get it. Graham Berkeley and I already explained what it is we're looking for and why it's so difficult to find. This is why women should not be allowed to post in these threads. Unless you are an attractive, successful male, then you wouldn't understand.

    "Point is, I STILL find it funny when defective men think they deserve the cream of the crop. Not saying you're wrong, just saying it's funny. It'd be like me not seriously dating anyone normal because I felt I was deserving of Raul Bova and nothing less..."

    I find it funny too when defective people think they deserve better. The problem with your post is you're directing your tirade at the wrong audience.

    "As for reading comprehension, I think it's more a difference of "What the word respect really means to you and me." Call me a prude but the statement "I have friends and then I have f*cks" doesn't really scream "respect" to me. As a woman, if a guy referred to me as one of his "f*cks" I wouldn't feel respected in the least, but that would be my fault for sleeping with an arrogant douche."

    call me literate but when a guy says "I have friends and then I have f*cks," I understand it to mean he's friends with some girls and enjoys sex with others. I don't see any signs of disrespect.

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