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Thread: Does she like me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Does she like me?

    Hey guys, if you could help me that would be great cause I kind of want advice since I feel like if I don't make things happen they never will.

    Sooo... I can't quite say how long I'v known her but its definitely one or two. But starting from maybe 3 months ago I started to take interest in her. Tbh, idk why I have. She's different. Shes not extremely beautiful or anything but she is in her own little way. I can text her for hours but it usually takes her a lil longer to respond ( 3-5 min. I asked her about this she has a valid reason which I promptly forgot since this was before I thought too much of her.) Very occasionally do I talk to her on the phone outside of school but the few times I have I feel like the conversation has been nice and lengthy unless I cut it short. I spend my day in school waiting for the the one class and the only time I ever see her. We walk away from the class together and always have an engaging conversation with no lapses in between. I've however, never hung out with her outside of school. I don't know why. I don't hang out with any of her friends although I do know some quite well.

    Just thought I would add here that shes not super hot, but I'm attracted to her personality. Shes fun to be around!

    Some things that could give away the answer
    - I'v read somewhere about personal space and about how she gets closer to me, touches me, etc. Our hands touch and legs and stuff touch occasionally and it never gets weird or anything. There was this short time in our friendship where we would occasionally get into small tickle fights. Umm... However I jokingly added a comment on the facebook group titled "90% of ticklefights end in sexual activities" and apparently that made things a little wierd. (but I was joking, for some reason, she doesn't attract me too much sexually)
    - I'm almost positive she does not often steal glances at me.
    - Some say that if she talks keeps eye contact or if she laughs at my jokes + more she likes me. When it is possible she does always look at me when I talk to her. She is also very attentive to what I'm saying and sometimes she cant hear me say something on the phone, and where other people (even I would do this) could just get away with a "mm, ok, yes" or some bs like that she will always ask me to repeat even if I have to do it multiple times.
    - As far as contact, I read somewhere if she taps me or pokes me or playfully hits me or stuff like that she likes me (though I personally think thats goes for very young people) she does that a lot.
    - I just realized right now that usually I am usually the first to text her. Though this is the case, last time she made up an excuse, said she had a "cold" (small one or very nonexistant) and asked me for a ride to school (normally she walks, she still probably could have since its not too far and it wasnt TOO cold). Naturally I did a tiny trick and got there a little early to pick her up for breakfast but this was ultimately a fail since she had already eaten and didn't get anything (though I offered to pay). At the end I just took a bite of the breakfast, threw everything out and drove her to school and left it alone.
    - If two people are talking to her and I don't let up, she will usually look/listen/respond to me. Though there was one time where I competed with her best friend and it was a stalemate as she just ended up looking between us and confused.
    - I'v mentioned a few school dances. Shes normally replies something along the lines of "Oh, I'v been there and didn't think it was worth it so I'm not going" and unless I'm retarded, she has not dropped a hint at asking her.
    - She teases me a lot. I know in younger years this was a surer tell, could it still be prevalent?
    - Oh, when I flirt a lot sometimes she might think it is wierd. Rarely does she flirt back.
    - I don't think she's had a boyfriend (and I not a girlfriend). She is really innocent and nice and stuff.

    Gah... while typing this out I realized this sounds kind of pathetic. I really want her to like me. I have other options that are hotter and some even nicer but for some reason this one seems like the forbidden fruit. Still, I want your take because if she really does I will finally ask her out and make things official.


    P.S. Whether she likes me or not, I'm still going to plan something for the last day before she goes to college, I'm a junior in high school and she's a senior. I thought if she doesn't like me, I'll just watch a movie with her as a parting experience, and then as I leave I would tell her about how much I like her as I leave. (If the feeling is reciprocal, she isn't going to a college too far away) Good idea?
    Last edited by H0peful; 29-01-10 at 07:02 PM.

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