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Thread: PLEEEEEEEASE help me with this girl!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Glasgow, UK

    PLEEEEEEEASE help me with this girl!

    Hi everyone, thanks for reading - I hope someone can give me some advice.
    About 6 months ago I met this beautiful girl in the restaurant where I work. I really fancied her so I gave her my number and asked her to text me. She did, but when I asked her out she said she was seeing someone! She went on to say we could be friends if I wanted but it didn't feel right under the circumstances, so I said it was probably best not to meet up.
    Then, about 2 weeks before Xmas I got a message on facebook out of the blue from her saying that she was now single and was I still up for a drink some time. I couldn't believe she had got back in touch after 5 or so months!
    We arranged to meet up for drinks that weekend and spent a good few hours catching up and laughing over drinks before I dropped her off at a party that she had to go to. (I think this was her 'get out of jail free' ticket if the date was not going well, but she stayed waaay later than she said she could so I was quite optimistic!)
    She went home to Belfast for Xmas (I live in Glasgow, and so does she!) and we texted a little over Xmas and New Year but I mostly let her call the shots cause I knew she had loads of family and friends to catch up with. Anyway, we arranged a 2nd date for the 1st week in Jan which was great and made me really happy!
    I knew it was too soon for me to be buying her xmas presents etc. but I remembered from our first date that her fav film was Jules Et Jim so I acquired a poster of the film and wrapped it up for her. Over dinner the subject of movies came up and I said 'oh yeah, you're favourite film is the Notebook, isn't it?' - her face was a picture! Of course it all came together when she opened her present and saw that I'd rememberd. She said it was the most thoughtful gift she'd ever received. We then went to a club, danced the night away before I dropped her off and shared a kiss.
    2 weeks later and date #3 was approaching. She thought she was coming round for chinese takeaway and some drinks, but I took the day off work and spent it making her favourite dish. We had dinner, some wine, watched a movie and ended up sleeping together, although this wasn't in my plans! Afterwards she paid me a really nice compliment along the lines of she hadn't done that with anyone after such a short space of time, which I figured meant she liked me and felt really comfortable with me. This was last Friday and she texted me a few times on Sat saying she had been telling her mates all about me and they were really impressed etc. I asked her out again this weekend but she said she had family visiting so suggested midweek. On monday I texted back saying tue and thur were good for me so just to let me know how she was fixed, BUT I HAVEN'T HEARD A WORD SINCE. I am so utterly confused! Everything was going perfect. Even before our dates she wasn't very chatty on text, but at least she would get in touch every other day or so to see how I was doing etc. Occasionally I would initiate the text conversations but since I've done all these nice things for her and texted her last surely she should have been in touch this week to let me know what's going on? She's 22 and I am 29.
    I haven't brought the subject of 'what I am looking for' or anything up - I've tried to be really laid back so she didn't think I was coming on too strong, but surely after the things I've done she must know I like her. I am sure she really likes me too, so why is she making me wait and worry?
    I know I've rambled on for ages here, and I really appreciate it if you're still reading, but any advice at all you can give me would be amazing. I really like this girl and I don't know what to do. Thank you so much!!! x

  2. #2
    girl68's Avatar
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Umm call her?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Left Coast
    And when you call her, don't come across as angry or upset that she didn't get back to you. Just seem chipper and happy to talk to her and make plans.

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