its a very hard road blondy trust me everything in you wants togo back to him, you have to stop talking about him, thinking, i mean get rid of him in your mind if you want him back and things are repairable i think it would be best to try but only if things are repairable and if you cant get him back then you can say you tryed your best you love him its obivous its really up to you im not sure if what was said was really bad or not so i cant tell you if things between you and him are unrepairable or not but you still want to be with him i think, i finaly just got over my ex today i mean i found a inner calm ive never found in my life i dont know what happened it just hit me its a great feeling to be FINALY over her and know that ive finaly got across this huge hump of heart break i feel like i can finaly take on another relationship and try again