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Thread: Should I ask for a second date

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Should I ask for a second date

    ok so last friday me and a friend went out on a date. It was our first time spending a long period of time out and alone together. I think it went pretty well, we met for coffee and I had her laughing from teasing her and just being funny. There were never any awkward moments and it all seemed kind of romantic, at least to me. We went back to her house and started watching a movie. I was sitting on the couch, her laying down, when she started to get closer. Then her elbow kind of touched mine and she held it there for a while. I felt the sexual tension, but I didn't realize at the time that she wanted me to make a move, at least I think that's what she wanted. Anyways after talking a little after the movie I gave her a big long hug and made my way out.

    I had a good time, and so I decided to text her "Hey I had a nice time, we should do it again soon"

    She never responded, but the next night at a party I still sensed she was interested, due to her constant smiling and laughing with me.

    I just want to know if I should call her up in the next couple days and ask her out for dinner or something. My plan if I choose to go through with it is to meet her at the same place we did last time, then figure out where we want to go for dinner (gonna scout out the area to see what looks good) Then from there maybe we'll go back to her place again, and I want to whip out my guitar and sing her some songs, then take it from there. Does this sound ok? I'm afraid I'll come off as very desperate if I ask her out to the same area on a friday night again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    1) It's best to ask for a second date at the end of the first one, but yes, you should call her and ask for a second date. If she doesn't answer or doesn't call you back, it's a no.

    2) Go somewhere different than the first date. You make the plans for the second date, don't go into it not having a clear plan; decide on two places to eat, call them "place a" and "place b", make sure they serve different styles of cuisine.

    3) Never plan on making it back to the girls house, that way you'll never be disappointed. Having you over means she wants you to make a move (this is where the "DVD and pizza" date's reputation comes from). Instead plan some activity where you'll have time to talk while doing something (bowling, hike, etc.)

    4) Leave the guitar at home, to me it comes off lame for a second date.
    Keep your love life off Facebook, don't cheat, it's never too soon to make a move on a woman you like.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ok thanks for the advice, I'll try to pick somewhere good. I really liked meeting at the coffee place last time because it was really comfortable and had an intimate feel, but I can see how that would seem off to meet her there again.

    I have 2 places in mind off the top of my head, mexican and a cafe.

    The thing about her house is that it's her new apartment and she loves to have visitors. Now I won't downright invite myself over, but I figured part of the date would be to watch a movie or something like last time. We're young too if that affects anyone's answer. She just turned 18 and I'm 18 as well, but I live with my parents.

    Also the thing about the guitar is she loves my music, so I figured it couldn't hurt if we have nothing else to do. If this was our second time hanging out ever, I would agree. I still sort of agree but I can't help myself but to leave it in the car for if at any point it just feels right.

    I appreciate your reply and I will think about everything you said. It is also important to consider that we have been friends for a few months or so. I don't think I'm in the friend zone at all, she's never even called me a friend and I've always felt some sexual tension. Unfortunately I'm starting to wonder if she'll even go along with it. I feel like my intentions are much too obvious if I ask her out 2 fridays in a row. But then again, It must be what she wants too given the signs I received. Now the date went very well, better than I thought, so I hope she sees me as a guy she can have fun with. But do you think I had my one chance with making a move and since I didn't take it there won't be another chance this soon?
    Last edited by OhSuzy; 03-03-10 at 06:11 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The thing about point 3 is that you don't want to be watching a movie with her, you should be out trying to wow her with your witty conversation. You've hung out before, sure, but it's just not the same as conversing one-on-one in a romantic setting. My view is that things like movies are best around fourth date, but that's just me. You'll get another chance to make a move, but first you have to ask her out again!
    Keep your love life off Facebook, don't cheat, it's never too soon to make a move on a woman you like.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    true, that is a good point, as the conversation fell a lot around when the movie was on. The thing is, I can't really see any situation where I could make a move, unless for example we were at that quiet, comfortable coffee place or somewhere similar. And like it says in your signature, it's never too soon to make a move on a woman you like. It seems a lot of people get a kiss on the first or second date, but I feel like you need to step up to that. Like hold hands>arm around her>cuddle>goodbye kiss>and so on. I mean I could obviously hold her hand while walking to the next destination, but if that destination isn't a quiet, comfortable setting, I don't see any moves being made.

    Plus looking back, she was the one who suggested a movie kind of, and I really think she wanted us to go further than we did. Also, I've hung out with her in a friend setting twice, alone once (first time I was just dropping something off and we hung out for a little bit) and a date setting once. I don't know, you still think I should hold off on a movie? If so, where's a good place to go that would involve romantic conversation and contact? I'm thinking if we do go to her house, I could bring a record over and we could just sit and talk and enjoy it.

    I'm starting to reconsider, because I don't want to come off as needy and it would be a shame not to advance romantically with her.
    Last edited by OhSuzy; 03-03-10 at 08:07 AM.

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