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Thread: Did i ruin my chances?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Did i ruin my chances?

    Ill make this as short as possible

    I have been dating a girl for a month, every date has been great, she came over my house the last time we were together and I got to about 2/3rd base. Once again so far so good. Then I messed up, on st patricks day I was so drunk I told her we should hang out that coming Friday (she said she was free to hang out Friday or Sunday) and she said ok. Then I said "I dont care how bold this sounds but I had a great time on Sunday (when she came over) and that kissing her felt right".

    She responded with smiley faces and said she doesnt make bold statements but she had a good time too, then texted again saying that I will learn it takes a long time for her to crack (open up). I responded the next morning with "and you'll learn when I drink too much I can be partially retarded" She laughed and said it was all good, but unfortunately that Friday all of a sudden it was her friend's birthday...she did call to tell me it personally and said shed make it up to me, I accepted although I probably could barely mask my disappointment. Its now Tuesday and we have not spoken or texted since...Did I blow it or is it still too soon?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Indiana, U.S.
    Its hard to say...I'm guessing everything is fine...everybody always jumps to the worst possible scenario and it usually isn't that...just text her and ask if she wants to hang out when she is free next.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    She may just be a little more reserved than you are about physical stuff or talking about it. I am that way and my bf isn't. Makes me blush sometimes when he talks about stuff.

    About the canceling of the date, not a huge deal. At least she respected you enough to call and not text or email.

    I'd maybe shoot her a text tomorrow wishing her a happy half way to the weekend or something. Ask her how her week has been. See if she bites and maybe you guys can make plans.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Thanks for the input, appreciate it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Yeah, your probably over thinking it buddy. Be smooth, and get another date planned. Maybe she jut got a really busy stretch!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    and why did you wait that many days? i would've texted her on saturday asking how the birthday went.
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  7. #7
    girl68's Avatar
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    Umm yeah how come you haven't gotten in touch !?!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    hmmmmm well, i agree you should have been in touch sooner, you should have asked how the birthday was but saying that why hasnt she been in touch with you, because if i had to cancel plans with my boyfriend i wouldnt wait all this time to contact him again, id ring or text the next day, and also she did say she was free sunday and didnt say she would meet you then instead as she cant make the friday did she?

    i dont think its anything you have done, i cant see anything that you've done wrong but i would explore the option that she just isnt interested anymore because im sorry but it sounds a bit like that to me.

    and it dosent seem like she's willing to make the effort either.

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