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Thread: hi um i need help :/

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    hi um i need help :/

    hi um ive known my gf since i was like 5years old , now we are 17 n well i got the curage to ask her out about 5 years ago but we have been on and off non stop . the problem is tat she has an ex boy friend tat she fell in love with n well ever since they broke up its been on and off between me and her she would cheat on him with me n then she would cheat on me with him . Ive love my gf with all my heart but the problem is she dosnt know who to chose the other guy treated her like crap n he his a problematic kid , who yells at her n trys to controll her as if she was his property.i try to give her advice but then wat can i tell her ? i dont know wat to do she says, shes confused one day and another she will be all happy n act as if we r together but when it come to me asking her if she wants to be with me she stays silent as if she doesnt know the answer. All she does is tell me she still loves him n its hard 4 her to get over him . ive done my best to treat her nice to take care of her when shes down , i take her on very romantic dates, and we have a blast but she cant let go of her ex.all she does is tell me tat shes cant get over him but then i tell her the same answer as always tat if she does love him n she cant get over him then y is she with me n she starts to cry n say cuz i make her happy n treat her how she wants to be treated, as in the perfect guy for her . but then the next day is the same story all over again i want to trust her n be able to not be worried when im not around her but theres always a reason for me not to b able. so plz someone give me a lil advice tat could help me out ty :'(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I dunno.. You are in a very complicated relationship. But I think she really loves that man so much and you are just there like a bestfriend. Shoulder to cry on. Just there whenever she wants to be treated nicely. You would know what she really feels. Just ask her directly what she really wants. Let her know that it is not fair that your guessing what she really likes and what she really feels.

    *just an opinion*

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