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Thread: Need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Need some advice

    I had been in a long distance relationship for the past 8 months. I have known the girl for 8 years but never really wanted to explore things because of our age difference. Now that she is 21 and I am 24 it didn't seem so bad. About two months into our relationship she cheated on me with some guy for no good reason. I called her to break it off and she cried, I agreed that if she went to therapy and made some promises to me to be more accessible we could work on things. Unfortunately this turned me into a control freak. Suddenly I found myself so wrapped up in what she was doing all the time. I would get mad if she was going to go out and question who she was with. Demand that when we went out she call me a lot so I would know nothing was going on. About three weeks ago I think she hit her breaking point. Being long distance sometimes we make dates together, we had planned to watch a movie on that friday. Thursday she called me up to tell me she was going to a party with an exboyfriend, naturally I flipped out and we argued for 3 days before she told me we needed to take a break. Less than a week later I found out she was now constantly hanging out with someone other than her ex. I confronted her and she said they had been making out and seeing a lot of each other, but she got mad at me and broke up altogether because I was too controlling and kept interrogating her. My plans to see her for thanksgiving were ruined, so I went to be with my family instead. We have been talking a little bit on and off, but still everyday. She still sends me pictures on her camera phone and still talks to me. When I talk about not wanting to talk to her anymore, she gets really upset. Recently when we've been talking it has been really nice, she knows I still care about her but keeps saying that we're just friends. This weekend I have plans to go out to see her to pick up my stuff from her place. When I made the plans she told me to stay till monday instead of leaving the day after I picked up my stuff. It seems to me like she is probably very confused about what she wants, but I know what I want. I want her back and in a bad way. I have never been so in love with someone. Can someone please give me some advice on how to get her back. I'd really appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Recently when we've been talking it has been really nice, she knows I still care about her but keeps saying that we're just friends. This weekend I have plans to go out to see her to pick up my stuff from her place. When I made the plans she told me to stay till monday instead of leaving the day after I picked up my stuff. It seems to me like she is probably very confused about what she wants,
    Sounds like she doesn't want a relationship right now from all the stuff you describe above. Sounds like she's more of a "love the one you're with" sorta person, just having fun right now. She made it clear she just wants to be friends. You might even have sex with her this weekend. A lot. But it'll be strictly for the weekend as she seems to be just 'having fun' with whoever's around and interesting at the time.

    Don't count on getting back together. Start looking for someone else if you want a relationship, start looking for some fun, or just chill out for a while until you're ready to begin chillin' with girls again.

    Rod Steele

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Houston, TX
    She could also be confused, that happens alot too. Unfortunately, you cant really do anything about that either. My advice is similar to alexi's, just try to move on and keep in contact with her, let her know how you feel and if she wants to get back with you she will, but I dont think you can do anything else about it.

    Good luck!

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