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Thread: Call me Megre, for now

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hanceville, BC, Canada

    Call me Megre, for now

    My fiance and I have been living together for 9 months now. I am optomistic about our future and see us living to a ripe old age as a kindly old couple. Here's the problem: Anastasia is very spiritual and beautiful inside and out. She has been living in her hometown for a long time before I came along, so she has some history with local men. I suspect that I am being used as a buffer for her home while she sees the men or man from her past at her work off and on. She has 2 grown adult male 'children' still residing at home with their respective fiances (one grand-daughter) all living in the same small house. I am currently unemployed and feel that the others are waiting for me to get things done around the place while they live their day to day young lives coming and going as they please.
    I am growing frustrated with the young ppls general laziness and with Anastasia's indifference. I have brought this up with her and she says things will take care of themselves without my input.
    I am hoping that things will take care of themselves by the 'children' moving out.
    My other thing is, I suspect my fiance, Anastasia of harboring love for one of the men from the recent past and I am doing the "Dirty work - Steely Dan" as a substitute. Anastasia says I should behave like an adult and is growing wary of marrying a overly possessive man.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    So, you're unemployed, living with her and she's supporting you? Sorry, you can't say much about the way she runs her house. it would be another thing if these guys were living in your house, but they're not- you're living in theirs.
    Spammer Spanker

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