Hi there! I am new here, greetings to everyone!
I have a question for you helpful people here. It has been a while since I hooked up with a girl from my town and now I am very happy that I did. Thing is she broke up with her ex 2-3 months ago because he was a douche, she is over him, the thing is the dude is 24, she is 17 and I am 21, this has nothing to do with the thing that her parents are very strict, every two days we meet for like max 2 hours and that has been since we met, she wont tell about me to her parents since they don't really accept anyone as her boyfriend, I think her mom knows since she covers for her when we meet. She is afraid of getting in a relationship with me because she thinks that her parents will only soften up and let us date normally in about a year as it happened with her ex, so she says that she doesn't want a boyfriend, but her actions tell a different story, when we meet I can see the sparkles in her eyes and she is always kissing me, and she said she wasn't this happy in a long long time as when she is with me, she is totally into me, my eyes, my hair, the whole package, and she said that if her parents didn't object we would already be dating, the thing is we are already like if we were dating, we get together, watch a movie, I walk her home, kiss allot and do what every couple does. She likes to cuddle and she said that I found all her "weak" points, what she means with this is the things she likes, like when I caress her hair, kiss her gently and things like these. So how do I reassure her, so that we could go steady?