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Thread: What is the best thing to do with my relationship?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Orange County, California

    What is the best thing to do with my relationship?

    My girlfriend and i have been together for almost a year, we are both 20 and since the beginning of the year we have been having problems with our relationship.

    Me and my girlfriend have been fighting. Like a lot. She says that she loves me but i'm not everything that she wants and it makes her upset. It's come to this point where she doesn't want to be "in a relationship with me" and considers her self "single", and says i should too. Yet we still hang out regularly, she still calls me her boyfriend and she still kisses me.

    My girlfriend also deals with depression. Now i know that a lot of the things i am describing already are the result of depression. Right now she is on meds, unfortunately because of this she feels unmotivated. she'd rather just stay inside and sleep. She says that she feels nothing for anybody. She knows that she loves me, and that she might be in love with me.

    My girlfriend also will not be physical with me anymore. There used to be a time where i could put my arm around her, hold her hand, touch her butt, or even touch her face. now she doesn't want any of that. There are times when i can do that, but it's rare. She says that she really doesn't get horny for me anymore. she doesn't really care about having sex. she says if i want to have sex she will do it, but i don't want it unless she wants to have sex, otherwise i'll just feel like i'm just using her and i don't want that, it'll just make me feel bad.

    The last thing that has been bothering me is that she likes to go to parties and get drunk. This kind of stuff gets me worried, especially because of her depression. Last year she had cheated on her ex twice while she was drunk at parties. and after they broke up she was taken advantage of at a party. Even while we were "officially together" she would go to parties without me and drink and get hit on. i would get worried and when i told her that i get worried she would get offended and say well thanks for trusting me.

    Now, because where we are at in our relationship, i am so much more worried because she wants to go party without me. And when i say be careful, she says "don't tell me what to do okay? we aren't officially together so i can do whatever i want."

    I love this girl with all my heart, she is my first love. So it's really hard for me to breakup with her. Part of me thinks that the only reason she is being like this is because of her depression, and that i should stick it out with her.

    What should i do?

  2. #2
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    stop being a pussy and not be her boyfriend. because turst me when I say "she's waiting for something better to come along... in the mean time you'll do".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    This girl has a ton of issues that don't even have to do with you. She's depressed and is using alcohol to deal with it. No doubt she'll use sex as well.

    You can't help people through these times in their life. They have a tendency to grab onto the nearest stable person and drag them under with them. She knows you'd do anything for her and that is why she wants you around. She wants a safety net.

    Do you really want to put yourself through this torture?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Why does it seem that so many 20 year olds are depresssed and on meds?

    What the heck does a 20 year old have to be depressed about I wonder?

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