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Thread: He says he likes me, but wants to take it slow... Also, should I pay for a date?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    He says he likes me, but wants to take it slow... Also, should I pay for a date?

    I finally asked the guy I liked if he would want to go on a date with me, and our conversation went like this:

    Me- "Hey, I was wondering... Did you want to see a movie with me sometime next week?"

    Him- "Sure, but I don't have any money..."

    Me- "I can pay; that's alright."

    "No, you don't have to pay."

    We ended up getting off that conversation, and talked more about other things.

    He called me when I got home, and we talked:

    Me- "Are you sure it's ok that we go as a date? We can go as friends if it bothers you..."

    Him- "No, that's fine. Why would it bother me?"

    "Well... I was afraid you may not like me that way.."

    "No, I do... I think we should deffinitely date and all, but I want to take it slow... I just got out of a two year relationship eight months ago, and I'm still trying to get over it, kinda... But I deffinitely think we need to go out more."

    We both decided that we didn't want to see the movie bad enough to pay for the particular movie theater's prices, but that we should find another less expensive way to hang out.

    He lives 35 minutes away from me, and I asked him to think of something we could do in his town, because it's much bigger, and more eventful than mine. He said "Yeah, I'll think about it for the next few days."

    He hasn't said anything about it so far, and it's been almost a week... He only seems to want to talk on xbox live, and not on the phone. He said talking on the phone doesn't bother him, but it may be just his parents don't want him on at night; which is my only free time because I work during the day.

    I don't want to rush him into anything, but I'm fighting the urge to call him, and at least get together with him. I don't care how we hang out, just as long as we're around eachother, I'm sure it'll be fine...

    Also, should I pay for the date? I really want to do something fun and free, but that's hard to find now a days...

    Please help if you can, thank you so much for your time!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The guy can't even afford to pay his own way to a movie? Really? I foresee you going to see him all the time because he doesn't want to pay for the gas to drive 35 minutes to see you.

    Is he really worth all this? He doesn't exactly sound keen.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    I think if he were really interested (in the way you want him to be), he would be initiating more contact.

    And yes, if you invite someone on a date, you should pay for it. But I wouldn't ask for a second one - let him demonstrate some reciprocal interest.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    He can't afford a movie? Dude, I have that much change between the cushions on my couch.

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