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Thread: Am stuck between a big really big decision...!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    United States

    Am stuck between a big really big decision...!!!!

    I told this girl I think she is really cute and everything but at the time she had a boyfriend so I just told her and left it at that. Now the two broke up and it seems like already she is talking other boys and I am stuck between talking to her more (and hopefully actually meet) or just letting it go.

    Problem:I"m not that good with asking girls out for a date especially since I never talked to her before except that one time. Also the only time I can talk to her is over the internet.

    Somebody told me to say "to not going to pretend to be sorry to hear her relationship is falling apart and that you're ready to take her out as soon as the dust settles"

    What should I do???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Your biggest problem seems to be that you have trouble approaching her, the fact that she's talking to other guys already but not you doesn't bode well I think. It might be that she doesn't have a clue how you feel because you can't be open enough with her. It's a difficult situation for sure. If you let her know how you feel it might give you a chance, however there's a real risk of getting stuck in the friend zone if you do that. In reality you should be doing things that make you shine over other potential mates. It might be cold to say but it's best to be honest to yourself, I know this from personal experience.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I also think that she doesn't know how you feel for her.
    That's why you should try and spend some time with her.
    I now it's hard in the beginning but if you don't try you will probably be sorry later.
    When you try you at least have a change.
    Just go for it! You only live once (=

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Just tell her how you feel - what do you have to lose - you never know, you might just end up spending the rest of your lives together - so why not?

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