My boyfriend current checks out porn- I don't care because I can't be there all the time. I'm satisfied when we're together, so why complain?
I did live with an ex once though, who had a complete dependency on porn.
I was picking up extra hours at work to make sure we had money to pay for rent/food, and he would occasionally call out for fap fests. He'd sneak out of bed in the morning to rub a few out, while I was burning out vibrators trying to figure out what was unsexy about me.
You can tell him all day long how you feel- he probably isn't listening.
There are two out comes; he'll smile and nod and say you're right and he'll do better (but he won't,) or he'll wildly accuse you of being psychotic and controlling.
I tried to actually control the issue myself, net nannies, counseling, passwording and monitoring the computer- this is one of those things he'll have to decide is a problem on his own, and you have to decide if this is a deal breaker, or if he has other redeeming qualities.
Good luck, hun.
Give me something I can take,
Can take to make the memories fade.
Poison kiss, remember this,
I never was meant for this day.