Hi guys, it's been a long time since I've last been here, mainly because of my recent moving to Canada.
I've had a good time here so far, but there is one thing: now I live in an apartment with two other people, and even though I have a fair share of alone time and a room for myself, I'm not very at ease with the idea of masturbating here. Silly, I know.
I used to do it everyday. More than once, often. So, after a few days without fapping, I decided to make an experiment. Remember the movie "40 days"? If you don't, the guy makes a bet that he can go for 40 days without fapping or any other kind of sexual contact. I'm still single, so I decided to go for that. To see if I can do it, and what are the pyhsical/psychological consequences. And to go for the EPIC ORGASM in the end.
Right now, I'm halfway through, day 20. So my goal is to make it to September 21st.
It's actually much easier than I thought. I do get boners fairly easily, and I imagine that if I were to fap right now, I'd last like 10 seconds, but physically the consequences are far from being insurmountable. Psychologically it might be more difficult, because my already present feelings of loneliness are amplified by an increased sex drive, and I find myself wasting too much time thinking about girls and such.
So yeah. I just posted this for you guys to give me some support to get to 9/21 (lol) and maybe share your own experiences of masturbation deprivation. (lol alliteration).