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Thread: In need of help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    In need of help!

    hello this is my first post here and would like to say hello to everyone. It will be a lengthy story but needs to be read to help me out on my question:

    I have known this certain girl since i was in 6th grade. We were best friends through middle school and high school. this is where things start to pick up. In 8th and 9th grade she liked me and I wasn't into her so we just stayed friends and it never affected our relationship. Then in 11th and 12th grade I realized I actually liked her more than just really close friends. I asked her out on two separate occasions n she said no both times and we still remained just as close. Up until this point we had never hooked up, but always had that close flirting relationship and shared everything about each other.

    Then we graduated high school and I got into a relationship and a few months after she did as well. We got deep into our new relationships and lost touch with each other. Fast forward a few years later, I am single and her and her BF have been on a "6 month" break. We ran into each other at school very randomly and for the past week have gone to lunch a few times and talk about her BF issues, about my break up and everything else in between and talk for a few hours together and then go our separate ways. Then the other night i went to a quince with her for her cousin since her BF or whatever you want to call him felt awkward since none of her friends or family like him.

    After the party we hung out in my car and were talking and she was explaining to me how she has told all of her friends about me and all of her coworkers, she said she was watching me play with the kids at the party and dancing with the little girls and said she loved it and could see us having a future together. So we talked about it for a little bit and I wasn't pressuring her about being with me, just hanging out more and getting close again. Eventually she grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss. This was our first kiss. We talked more and left on a good note.

    She txt me later the next day to see how i was doing. She told me she was sorry for coming on so strong to me and wants to take things further but is scared to because she doesn't want to lose me if anything were ever happen between us and we broke up.

    So this is why i am here. I do like her and would like to take things to the next level, I just do not know how to approach this situation appropriately and not push her away. Help!?

  2. #2
    MisSerendip's Avatar
    MisSerendip Guest
    It sounds like you had already lost each other before, when you were dating other people. Which honestly would likely happen again the next time you both got into a relationship, so I do not think that you should let that influence your decision very much. If you are interested in her then you should go for it, why plan on a relationship failing. Cross that bridge when and if you get to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I'd say go for it. Obviously, you're into each other. What's holding you back? But before getting any further, let her and her bf settle things first. When its settled and cleared already, then you can take things into higher level. Good luck!

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