okay, like so many threads this begins with a little backstory.

19 male here-- got set up with this girl by a mutual friend when we all were on vacation together. shes the best, wonderful taste, funny, absolutely gorgeous. it's a little weird though, because we essentially have what amounts to an arranged marriage. we hadn't really known each other all that well before we decided to giving dating a chance, so it's hard for me to feel out what stage we really are at. we talk a lot, have lunch together most days ( for the past week, thats how long we've been together) but conversation is generally pretty light. haven't kissed yet, planned to on tuesday but she had to cancel on our date.

so essentially, my question boils down to "how fast do you guys think i should move?" i don't want to overwhelm her, because i DO really like this girl. at the same time though, i don't want to seem to detached because of the awkward beginning of the relationship

feel free to include other stories/advice/anecdotes about moving too fast/slow