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Thread: I want sex more than he does...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    I want sex more than he does...

    Lately I'm finding that I need to have sex more and more often. Even if I don't climax, my drive is beginning to affect my relationship with my boyfriend as he doesn't want or need it as much as I do... Do I go see a shrink for this or what? Is there such a thing as too much sex? I tried to curb my drive by masturbation but doesn't do much... I tried to shift the blame to my man, saying he's just doesn't want it enough but I'm beginning to see I'm the weird one.... so what do I do??? I don't want this to hurt my relationship.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I feel the same way. I felt like I was doing something wrong that I wasn't good enough, etc. There are nights when I want it bad but he's not in the mood. He believe that when we have sex less it makes it better but it just ends up frustrating me. I tried talking to him and it got a little bit better for awhile then went back to the way it was. Overtime I have realized I have to be patient, that in a relationships you have to make compromises and one thing I never want to do is make the other partner feel that their thoughts and feelings do not matter. Sex has to be something that is mutually enjoyable and wanted or it's truly not worth it. Try taking a step back and looking at the relationship and see what other aspects of it you could/should focus on other than sex.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    i feel the same way as you. i want it all the time, but he is satisfied with once a week - 10 days. Very frustrating.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    take gardening

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Waco, TX
    I understand. When I can come 4 times in a sitting and still be rearing to go and my husband can only go once it can be frustrating. Especially since I've started staying at home and no longer work, I would love nothing more than sex 3 times a day, while my husband can usually go twice with no issues.
    Sometimes we have to realize we are being selfish. If he isn't giving it to you at all you should talk to him, but if he's giving it to you about 4 times a week you should try to be happy. I think sex is important for a healthy relationship as well as a healthy body so I try to have it as much as possible, but men have limitations.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Los Angeles, California
    This has much to do with sexual compatibility. It's hard to explain, but much chemistry is involved.
    Men want it a lot in the beginning of a new relationship, and the frequency gradually decreases.
    Not because he is not into sex anymore. He just isn't motivated to have sex because sex will be
    waiting for him tomorrow and the day after. Men stops trying hard after the relationship is nailed down.
    You are not going anywhere, so why should we continue to impress? But here is the kicker:
    If you two are really sexually compatible (very rare), then you will both want it all the time....regardless
    of length of relationship or other external element. IMHO.

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