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Thread: Should I just tell him!?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Should I just tell him!?!

    Alrighty Ill keep this short

    Ive had no practice for my age i dated the same guy for about 9 years (since i was 15). we recently broke up and now i feel like a fool because there's this guy i like and i don't know how to pursue him.

    I really like this guy, weve been going to school (college together for 2 years.). Im 24 hes 29. Our class went out to celebrate last week for finishing up our program. I started dancing with this guy and we ended up kissing. I know we've both liked each other for a long time but suppressed it in school. Anyway, our class went out bowling just a few days ago. And I was surprised at how shy i acted. I dont usually act like that. But i couldn't help it. And other people in our class noticed too that i was acting shy and he did too. I realized I was acting abnormally shy because we had just made out a few days earlier and it was like, I just couldnt get the courage to hit on him around some of my friends because they dont like him. I dont actually care what they think, I would like to date him. It was just hard to show it in the moment that night with them there..the thing is, is he doesnt know about that part of it.

    So, would it be weird of me to just tell him straight up why i was acting so out of character that night? I do NOT want to tell him what my friends think. I just to tell him: I realized I was acting shy because we kissed and I just didn't know how to act around you around everyone i have no practice with this stuff! Or something along those lines? Hes very outgoing and funny. I don't want to come off desperate or crazy. he knows ive only been with one other person previously. I feel like i missed out on practicing this flirting stuff. what should i say? or should i say nothing at all? I just want to get it off my chest, but not at the expense of making him feel awkward in any way.
    Last edited by ConfusedAna; 30-09-10 at 08:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Do it, he may find it amusing and cute. If you like him, then he can't be a bad person.

    Go for it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Tell him. If its working for you dont miss the chance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yes . . . tell him, don't just wait around . . . ask him and get some closure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    why don't your friends like him? Anyway, you should just say sorry for acting shy and invite him out

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    One of the girls I've been seeing for about a month just got out of a four year relationship. We met downtown at a bar through a mutual friend and we were both really drunk at the time. Apparently she broke up with him the night she met me. I guess she really liked me, too, because she started hitting on me lol. One thing led to another and we ended up at my place making passionate love. It's really a noncommittal kind of relationship, though. Not serious at all. We both just got out of long term relationships, so we aren't ready for anything serious and it probably won't amount to that. There's a lot of heavy petting and we sleep together often, and sometimes we go out together, kind of like friends with benefits. It's kind of ****ed up, but hey, don't judge me. It can happen pretty easily. Usually when a girl hits on a guy, the guy picks it up pretty fast. I say go for it, and if you want something more serious out of it, wait a few days, maybe a few weeks to sleep with him.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hi CA x

    I agree, just tell him, but I can see it from your point of view that you dont want to make yourself look or feel clumsy.

    Its such a risk to you, I can see that. I do understand what your going through.

    Of course you want to just tell him, that isnt the issue, but it is how to do this that is the problem for you I think?

    Make the explanation brief, and keep your confidence when saying so, let the feeling go with telling him. The best way to hit a fear is head on, so I think it best you say something to explan the awkwardness you felt.

    Also tell him that you enjoyed beng with him, what you said is great and it felt good when I read it as it obviously did for the others that have posted here saying you must say something and not let the opportunity get away!

    Good Luck, PC x

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