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Thread: Does my ex want to be back together??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Does my ex want to be back together??

    Hello guys,

    So heres my story, me and my ex went out for 3 years, we broke up about 3 and half months ago. Recently we started hanging out again after a month of not hanging out. This Friday we went out and had a great time, he came to my parents for supper and later that evening I went to his sisters birthday party where all his family was. He stayed out my house for, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and left my house at 5:30pm on Monday because I had to work an over night shift. What I am wondering is if he is interested in me again or if he is just stringing me along. The thing that confuses me is that he has this girl who he talks to and hangs out with but she is married.. He tells me that I matter more, because I have a lot more going for me etc.. While at my house he put this special stuff in our fish tank so that he has to come back within 48 hours to change the water.... he also borrowed my WII because there was a game on it he wanted to play.. I'm just wondering what you guys out there think?? Any advice would be appericated I'm soo confused.

    Also I have asked him if he wants to get back together and he said he doesn' t know.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Well you asked him and he said he doesn't know . . . that's the best answer your going to get . . .also you're confused by his actions, again leading to the fact he doesn't konw.

    Why do you think he's stringing you along?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Ending a long-term relationship is hard. There has to be a reason over which you guys broke up~3.5 months ago. Think about that and ask your self "Do you want to get back with him?" because sometimes, being friends after a relationship is not a good idea. Figure out what you want and tell him about it. If what you two are having at the moment doesn't work for you, you can always just move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Eh, his testing the waters again as if nothing happened between u too. Give it time and see were it goes ya? Well, i dnt mean.. have him confused for like 2 months ? hahaha.

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