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Thread: What should I do about my ex?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    What should I do about my ex?

    My ex and I met on a dating website. Everything was going great, and after 2.5 months, we decided to make the relationship official. The one thing I sensed while we were dating is that the first time we argued it would be the end. Our first argument was over the dating website because she was still on it. She eventually took it down. The second one was about her breaking plans to come see me. It would have been the first time she was at my place and we live an hour from eachother. Her and I are both very busy. We both work and attend school full time which makes us available to eachother only on the weekends. We hardly spoke after the 2nd argument and all of a sudden she said she still cares about me but couldn't do the relationship because of schedules and distance. I know she has been really stressed out recently with both things and I wonder if she made an impulsive decision to end things. She really hates conflict and seems the type to run in any situation where there could be conflict. We havent had any contact in 4 days. Could this be her way of telling me she just needs some space? Does this sound like something that could work if I give her space? We both really care about eachother and would hate to see things end this way.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    hah i have the same name as u man, and my ex did a similar thing .

    i will tell you exactly what you need to do ...

    1.) contact her in one week from today, that will have given her time to miss her, if she calls you, say u want to talk but are busy and will get back to her , call her a couple days later .. then ask what it is she wanted to talk about when she called..

    2) when you do talk, agree with the decision she made, dont ask questions about it , say sorry for whatever you feel sorry for in the releationship.. then say a lot of good things have been happening, then say u have to go and talk to her in one more week

    however, you cant just lie and say some good things have happened, what you need to do right now is accept and get over the fact that she gave up. understand why she may have done so and dont dwell, go to the gym more, practice hobbies and go out with friends alot, make your finances better if they are not, get a hair cut and new cloths, .. alll in all, focus on you, once you feel really good this is when you call and start at #1 listed above.

    this will do 3 things,
    1) agreeing about the breakup shows that you care about her decision and respect her
    2)saying sorry will make her realize that maybe she did some things wrong as well
    3)and finally saying good things have happened will make her curious about what those things are

    the point is to get her to contact you, and when she does done be a pussy , be strong, secure and calm, dont confess feelings yet.
    take it slow , get an outing , then some dates and re kindle what you had in the beginning, show you are a different man, women are attracted to change,

    key one ..

    NO CONTACT... until you have improved yourself and are happy with out her

    hope this helps, there is also a lot of good advice on you tube if you type in how to get my ex back ..

    o n i forgot,, before anything analyze the relationship and decide if it is worth saving , if she was a cu.t the whole relationship, y bother but if feelings are genuine then follow your heart but at the same time use your head.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    She got pissed with demands on her time IMO and she can't be arsed with the griief she gets and when she doesn't follow through with something because she is busy.

    Do you normally resolve issues by cauisng arguments? Because she wouldn't have started an argument over still visiting a dating site and being too busy to see you one time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Florida, United States
    Brandon I think you should call and ask her. She may just be really tired by the end of the weekend and not feel like making the drive. I had a situation like this when I was in college and told the guy I had worries about the same thing when I was really just not interested. This is odd to me that you want to give her her space. Girls 99% of the time do not want space, they want closeness and attentiveness so I don't think that method will work. I believe either she wants you in 100% or simply is not interested. Space is likely not the issue. Sorry Brandon. It's a short relationship show far relatively speaking, I hope your heart isn't hurting to much.

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