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Thread: Is he gone or is it just a game he is playing?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Is he gone or is it just a game he is playing?

    To cut a long story short..I am new to Canada..also newly seperated after 16 years of being in a very lonely marriage..I met a man 15 years my junior but he lives 2 hrs away.. For the first two or three months I found love and passion I have never known..This young man seemed to be head over heels in love with me and I was crazy over him..We seemed compatible in every way and I was happier in those few months then I have ever been in my life..He used to come to my town and stay in a hotel to be with me on some weekends..
    Then it all changed...almost overnight..He sent a message to say that he just wanted to be friends..I cried for days..He became abusive and I felt ill with hurt..We used to go on skype almost every evening..usually after 12am..Once he told me not to text because he was seeing somebody else..He then told me after 2 days that he lied and that he was with nobody..But I noticed whenever somebody called his cel while on skype he would turn the sound to mute..
    Still we hardly missed a day of not communicating and slowly we seemed to find our way back to each other..however he did not want to make a trip to my town again..I went to his town about two months ago and he picked me up at the hotel..He took me for coffee and we spoke but we never touched each other..He avoided the subject..When I got back home he became posessive..wanted to know who I was seeing..asked me to delete some people off facebook..It made no sense that he was acting this way..
    suddenly about three weeks ago he told me to leave him alone..I cried again..felt ill and could not get out of him WHY..He did however respond in text messages..he also agreed to come on skype every day but not on cam..His response or answers were always one or two word pharases ("ya".."ttyl" or "k")..He did not hold decent conversations with me anymore..just short answers..Every day I asked him WHY he changed so much but he just said "I dont know"..Yesterday we spoke on skype (without the cam) ..it seemed like everything was ok again..he seemed noraml and he even asked me to send him some sexy pics of myself..He asked me if I would like to come online at 1am and I said "ofcourse"..I accidently said "I love you so much" and he ended "I love u too xoxoxox"..I was besides myself with happiness..but when 1am came he was not online..I tried to call but his cel just rang..I fell asleep and treid again at 2am..It just rang..This morning his cell was off..
    I am back here for advice..for anything I can grab on to for some encouragement or for some hope..
    Has he left me..or is it a game..Not sure what to think anymore..All I know is that my heart is truly broken because of him!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    So he's 15 years younger than you? Find somebody your own age. I'm an old fart of 46 and if a woman of 31 came onto me I'd be very suspicious.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    You're definitely NOT compatible. He might be: playing games/ insane/ undecided/ much too selfish/ acting according to his age. It doesn't really matter because his behavior is affecting you in a negative way. Being with someone who's so unpredictable and who switches so easily between being loving & caring to insensitive & mean is a torture. Come back to your senses and initiate NC. You'll eventually move on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i think it's an adventure for him, i don't think it have a future.
    move on, try to find man who will be there for you when you need him, not a boy that love to play games on you.

    Always remember - relationships are hard work !
    Check out my blog at http://thepromall.com/blog/

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    The Greater New York Region
    While I have always had a "thing" for older women, after the divorce I found that it was so hard for me to actually understand the new game that comes with courting and relationships. I'm old school I guess. I would say stick to your guns with how you know to develop something solid. Unfortunately we (divorcees) have a perspective on what does and doesnt work in relationships. There are plenty of guys out there that are in your same situation. I would say standfast on the n00bs and go bump into knight in shining armor or retard in tin foil. Trust me, two lost people have a better chance of finding one another if they look.
    Same song and dance.
    "Whats the weather like kid?" --- "Its always sunny in Hell."

    Third date! Can't stop fate. Its time to take this thing we got to the next level.
    SURPRISE showed up at your job again! I was thinkin' I wanna be everything to you.

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