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Thread: Does my ex want me back?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Does my ex want me back?

    Hi guys
    I am new to this site and absolutely desparate for some advice on what to do about my ex boyfriend...
    We were together for 13 months, generally very happy.We NEVER argued about anyting.The one concern I had was that we never really discussed the future.Silly to worry about that so early in a relationship, I know, but I am 31 and he is 35 so I would like to know where a relationship is going.Anyway, when I tried to discuss it he gave me very vague answers about being worried about commitment because of his ex before me (she messed him around a lot).One night I insisted we discuss it and we ended up breaking up, his decision but I went along with it.Well, that was 8 weeks ago and we have been in contact since.Initially, he text me constantly to see how I was doing etc.Then he started making excuses to see me.We have seen each other every weekend since we broke up (except this weekend), doing things like buying tyres for my car, going out for dinner for my birthday,last weekend we slept together....We text about every 2 days during the week.He has told me many times that he may have made a mistake in breaking up with meand that he still has very strong feelings for me but we diidnt discuss getting back together.There was no talk of meeting up this weekend but he did mention being swamped with work.I'm just wondering if I am wasting my time hoping for this guy to change his mind?I dont think its a FWB situation as we have only slept together twice in 8 weeks but have seen each other alot.When we are together he holds my hand, kisses me etc as if we are still acouple.Please help me, I am so sad and confused.....

  2. #2
    Sonrisa's Avatar
    Sonrisa is offline Gwynplaine
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    how about you talk to him about it?
    mo'Dajvo' pa'wIjDaq je narghpu' He'So'bogh SajlIj

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I guess the coward in me is afraid that, if I do talk to him and he doesn't want to get back into a relationship with me, I will lose him for good.Even though I don't really have him anymore.....pathetic, huh?

  4. #4
    Sonrisa's Avatar
    Sonrisa is offline Gwynplaine
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    yeah, i'd say. what's the point of torturing yourself? if he says no then you'll only have a couple of weeks to get over him and that would be it. waiting is what hurts the most.
    mo'Dajvo' pa'wIjDaq je narghpu' He'So'bogh SajlIj

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Waterloo Ontario
    Move on if he sees you as an independant woman you will be more appealing he may even want you back that means no contact for awhile see if it works
    Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
    Oscar Wilde

    What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
    ~ by Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom
    You really have to talk to him about how miserable you are feeling. At the moment you are good friends who are having occasional sex, and you are unhappy with the situation.
    Ray Bork

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Thanks Ray,yes I need to talk to him.I will do it this weekend...............thank you

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