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Thread: Help guy!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Help guy!

    I've been seeing this guy for the past two months. Not serious but he seem to be very interested. He always calls and always tell me how much he is into me. I knwo he likes me. But two days ago we slept together. We spent an entire night together. woke up Saturday together. He dropped me home and i have not heard from him since. Now we were never always communicating...sometimes a whole weekend would go by and i we would not talk but we just always kept interested. When we see each other we can't get out hands off lol. But now i feel bad cause shouldn't he see it fit to at least call to check up on me now that we have crossed the line?? I need a male perspective. what should i do? I'm not going to call. I'm actually thinking of forgetting about him. What do u think??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Ok, now what if he is sitting there, thinking the same thing that you are?

    I guess if you're not that concerned about it, then don't call him and start moving on and talking to other people.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I guess he did what he was in for, but I may be wrong.
    Send him a text, can't and won't hurt to ask where you both go from there.
    If he does not respond to your expectations then move on, you don't seem very interested anyway.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
    Ensinam estas Quinas, que aqui vês,
    Que o mar com fim será grego ou romano:
    O mar sem fim é português."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    You're not going to find out stewing about it. Call him, and ask.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Thanks for the response guys...i really appreciate. I do like him...i really do. The thing is i don't want to be too interested or pushy. I just get the feeling that i should step back and let the man be the man and make the move. I feel tha ti have been the one calling th shots...i tell him what to do..it's like i take charge of what we have and i get the feeling that this is part of the reason he has not called. so hence i decided to step back...so i'm not going to call neither text. I knw he will call eventually but don't u guys feel that after having sex with a woman the guy should call immediately...like the same day or the next??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Hey, I'm not a guy but I've dated enough of them. Men don't usually see sex as being the next level in the relationship. But women do, and any guy who's been around a bit realizes that. So maybe he's got some anxiety about whether you think the sex "means" something, maybe he's just getting some space from you to consider if it means anything to HIM, or maybe it's all he was after and now he's done. I would just give him a call and keep things very light and friendly and don't even mention that he disappeared. The more days that go by without him calling, the more pissed he'll figure you are and the more sure he'll be that you'll chew him out. So surprise him and be as sweet as pie. Then the ball is in his court.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I don't know if I agree with you twinrexes.
    I don't think we have the same emotional stake in bumping uglies as women, but I still think it's an important aspect of a relationship.

    Mind we are fairly varied, so it's probably a moot point to begin with.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yeh eventually i will call if he doesn't and i will mention nothing about this. BUT he will not get that close to me anymore. Thanks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by twinrexes View Post
    So surprise him and be as sweet as pie. Then the ball is in his court.
    That's a good advice. You should do that.
    Don't always tell him what to do, men don't like that, makes them feel like you're the "boss" it's already enough to deal with your boss on a daily basis you don't need that from your girlfriend.
    I don't call a girl after sex on the same or next day, it feels like I'm thanking them for a f***! I prefer to meet with her again soon instead of calling.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
    Ensinam estas Quinas, que aqui vês,
    Que o mar com fim será grego ou romano:
    O mar sem fim é português."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    why do somemen have to be so complicated. I really don't think he was just after sex because he was always so into me and so attentive...call me stupid but my guts tell me he like/liked me. but maybe i turned him off with my take control attitude. I will just let it go...I don't have patience for men...it feel really hurt by this. Think i will just stay by myself for a very long time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I don't think men at all that complicated, sure we have our own issues and such, but I honestly think women tend to over think what men do, or don't.

    I don't mind a woman who can take control, what irks me is the ones who can't at all.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sanai2875 View Post
    why do somemen have to be so complicated. I really don't think he was just after sex because he was always so into me and so attentive...call me stupid but my guts tell me he like/liked me. but maybe i turned him off with my take control attitude. I will just let it go...I don't have patience for men...it feel really hurt by this. Think i will just stay by myself for a very long time.
    At least give him some time to respond he may be busy or something, people have life. If your guts tell you so then wait a little.
    Don't break just because your ego needs an explanation soon, if he does not respond however in a few days then move.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
    Ensinam estas Quinas, que aqui vês,
    Que o mar com fim será grego ou romano:
    O mar sem fim é português."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Guys he still has not called. I'm on the verge of tears now. I knwo he will call eventually. Plus i will have to see him eventually because our work is related and we see each other on a professional level at least twice or three times a month. I have to see him at least four times in January. The thing is every passing day i'm getting more frustrated, hurt and turned off.

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