Hi guys, prepare for a long story

So, where do i start..
I met this guy 4 years ago. His name is Tyler. We liked eachother, connected
And we were also attracted to eachother. We started dating but then because of surcomstances,
We lost contact for six months. I met someone else and got into an relationship, when me and Tyler
Run into eachother nearby the mall. We talked for a while and i gave him my new msn adress.
We became real good friends, and i had no interest in more what so ever.
My relationship got rocky, and me and Tyler saw eachother almost every day.
Then finally me and my boyfriend broke up. I started to develop feelings for Tyler again,
But i was young and too scared to tell him. When our friends asked if i liked him i answered not really,
And that i didnt wanna loose him as a friend. When i finally got to the point that i was just gonna tell Tyler
How i felt, he met someone else..
It broke my heart but i just told myself to deal with it.
This girl was no good for him, she hit him, was extremely jealous and unstable,
And made him very unhappy. She didnt like me so me and Tyler nearly spoke.
It was a rough time for our friendship but we got through it.
She got pregnant (i think she tricked him) and i was his shoulder to cry on. We became close
Friends again. After his daughter was born, his relationship went on and off all the time.
It was off for a while and he came over at my place a lot.
One night we got a little drunk and since he drove, i said he could spend the night.
We slept in one bed before without anything happend, so i let him sleep in my bed.
But then we started touching, kissing and had sex. It felt good but strange.
The next morning i freaked out, put my clothes on and said i had an appointment and that
He could sleep for a little while. I even left wihout saying goodbye!
It was a little acword after this, but everything got back to normal.
But it seemed we couldnt keep our hands of eachother, one month later it happend again,
And after that we spended lots of nights together. He was so kind to me,
But i, we both acted like we were just friends with benefiets. Then he got back
Together with his baby's mama. It hurt me but i didnt want to let it show.
Short after they brooke up again. He started checking my phone, got jealous sometimes,
We even started to argue every now and then like a couple!
Everything was going good, but then i told him we got along so great,
That if we would continue we would propably get feelings for eachother
And things would get complicated. I also said that i thought he still loved his ex,
Even though he told me that he didnt, and that i and his parents and his daughter were the only importnant people
In his life. I said i didnt wanna be a homewrecker and that he should find out what he wants,
And try to work it out with his ex.
And so he did, it has been 3 months and they are still together.
I think about Tyler every hour at least, i miss him and realise i really love him.
But its all ruined and too late now, again, and he's finally happy i think,
And if i talk to him about hit it might ruin the last bit of the great friendship we once had.
Im sorry for the long story this really is the short version haha.

Advice please? X janelle