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Thread: What exactly is the guy perspective on make-up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    What exactly is the guy perspective on make-up?

    I'm 23, asian, lost a lot of weight, and I think have nice hair. I'd like to believe that I'm cuter now than I used to be, but it doesn't seem to improve my self esteem at all because still, no one looks at me. Granted, I'm pretty happy with my boyfriend, but it always helps a girl's ego to be flirted with, even harmlessly. I've decided that the fact that I don't wear make up is the cause for it, because all of my friends who use it are ALWAYS being hit on at work (we work at Starbucks). Maybe I'm just truly hideous and I'm too blind to see it, but I don't think I'm all THAT wretched. I'm proportional, I hold a conversation well, I make people laugh, and I'm just a little sad that apparently my looks will never catch up to my personality. To a guy, it getting noticed as simple as just... foundation and eye liner?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Every guys prospective is different, when it comes down to just about anything. Depending on the volume of makeup used, a guy can or cannot notice if you are using any or not. But if it is clear your friends do, and you don't. some guys make get the impression you don't try hard enough with your looks. but on the flip side some guys would say wearing makeup means you care too much. But the makeup may get you noticed, it may be an idea to try and experiment to see if the makeup is the solution. It may not be, it could be posture, attitude or anything else. So imo (in my opinion) experiment and see what turns up and what works.

    If you have a boyfriend and he is nice enough, then you are defiantly doing something right. But it might be maturity, attitude, posture, makeup or any number of things causing you to not get noticed.

    An important note to remember, we reflect how we feel. regardless if we want to or not... sooner or later it does poke out. So feel more confidant and beautiful in yourself will defiantly be reflected more in your actions and appearance anyway. Hope this has been some help.


  3. #3
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    I'm not a fan. To me it's just goop the covers up what I want to look at.

    My wife rarely wears makeup - not because I don't want her to, but she doesn't want to. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, with or without goop.

  4. #4
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    Makeup does help some women getting more attention from males when it is well used, please don't be like those celebrities that wear tons of makeup and without it they're the worst thing you can ever imagine.
    If you used to be obese you may lack some self-esteem, but you say you're thinner and more attractive, still, if you work with hotter females you may not get hit as many times you would like by males, or not at all, because your beauty may not surface if other females around you wear the same "tricks".
    Men tend to look to those that are prettier. It's cheating, but yes, we men fell for it in ages.
    "E ao imenso e possível oceano
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I have found that the "guy" perspective on makeup is that most guys are pretty clueless. Most guys will say they don't like makeup because most guys don't like poorly applied makeup, and most don't know when women are wearing well-applied makeup! Even pretty heavy, fake-looking makeup.

    Now, while the majority of guys don't think they like makeup, most guys fall somewhere in a range of preferring a look that only comes from heavy and carefully applied makeup to preferring a fairly natural look that only comes from a ligt application of makeup in natural shades. But most guys do like a woman with a little makeup.

  6. #6
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    my ex boyfriend always said he preferred me when I didn't have makeup on, he used to get bothered if I had blush on which I never really got. it just makes my cheeks have more color in them! I wouldn't say I wear too much makeup, usually just a little foundation, blush, mascara, and sometimes eyeliner. alot of guys say they like girls to be more natural, but the truth is that most girls at least wear some foundation and/or powder to cover up little blemishes! you can try wearing makeup if you think it will make you look better. but you should be happy with yourself! you have a boyfriend who loves you and likes you for who you are, I don't think he would be with you if he didn't like the way you looked you shouldn't worry so much about what other guys think

  7. #7
    Junket's Avatar
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    My g/f got a new haircut and was already looking stunning. Then there was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. She put on just the right amount of make up that made her look amazing but so little that I couldn't tell until I looked hard that she was wearing any.

  8. #8
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    I never bother with the stuff these days, except if I'm going on an evening out.

    Far cry and from when I was younger because I wouldn't leave the house without it applied.

    I think male opinions would vary. Some like it, some prefer a natural look.

  9. #9
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    as long as you dont look like a racoon im fine with makeup in moderation.

  10. #10
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    I believe make up is useless for good looking females since they already look good, and for the ugly ones too, since it won't make them look any better. I can see it improving some "average" women's looks though. I'm still not a fan of it, and I think those who wear a ton of make up are ridiculous (and usually ugly).

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    I believe make up is useless for good looking females since they already look good, and for the ugly ones too, since it won't make them look any better. I can see it improving some "average" women's looks though. I'm still not a fan of it, and I think those who wear a ton of make up are ridiculous (and usually ugly).
    Yeah, it improves your average woman, but the ugly lot are wasting their times - only surgery will correct that, lol

  12. #12
    vashti's Avatar
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    I love makeup, and I know how to use it. I agree that men don't seem to mind it if you have any talent at putting it on.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    You have a boyfriend but you like flirting?
    I have a girlfriend that I'm very happy with and flirting is the last thing on my mind.
    So, do you have a problem with your relationship? Or do you like the attention?

  14. #14
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    I wish my girlfriend would use less makeup. She goes for a natural look, so the makeup isn't very noticeable, but also doesn't make much difference. She is already pretty, so she could just save her money. In the past, some women have told me that the advantage of tanning is that they don't need to use much makeup to look good. But my girlfriend's natural skin color looks like a golden-brown tan (technically honey-beige, she tells me), so she just doesn't need the makeup.
    Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celeste02 View Post
    I'm 23, asian, lost a lot of weight, and I think have nice hair. I'd like to believe that I'm cuter now than I used to be, but it doesn't seem to improve my self esteem at all because still, no one looks at me. Granted, I'm pretty happy with my boyfriend, but it always helps a girl's ego to be flirted with, even harmlessly. I've decided that the fact that I don't wear make up is the cause for it, because all of my friends who use it are ALWAYS being hit on at work (we work at Starbucks). Maybe I'm just truly hideous and I'm too blind to see it, but I don't think I'm all THAT wretched. I'm proportional, I hold a conversation well, I make people laugh, and I'm just a little sad that apparently my looks will never catch up to my personality. To a guy, it getting noticed as simple as just... foundation and eye liner?
    Either your BF is the modern day equivalent to Helen Keller OR he doesn't have enough testosterone
    to say something to you...Since we're dealing with a superficial tendency for men to notice you
    (instead of focusing on the fact you)

    (1) Have a BF (wow, many women can't even get one) because they are hideous
    (2) have nice hair, lost a lot of weight and said you are cute)

    Ego is a huge problem with society.
    Makeup doesn't make a woman. Her uninhibited demeanor, sexy eye contact/smile and her body movements DO.

    I suspect you already feel insecure because of the difference in attention you receive compared to those girls but
    consider this: Do you watch their movements, eye contact, how they talk to their customers? This
    insecurity you feel projects outward and people can see it in your face. There is nothing special about being boring
    or average compared to being feminine, outgoing and talkative. Sexy women move their hair, stretch in such
    a way and fluff their hair intentionally to make a man go crazy...Try it, and arch your back when doing it!

    I'm willing to bet they are attracting men because of this: putting emphasis on their eyes is just icing on the cake.

    2nd, I hope your BF is just a hobby, and nothing serious because
    if you need attention from men just to make you feel better about yourself you've got issues...
    and you BF might be a really nice guy and doesn't deserve to be dumped the moment you "trade up" and find
    some "hot" guy to take his place.

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