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Thread: i need advice!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    i need advice!

    ok, so ive been on and off with my boyfriend since sept 09. we broke up for a few weeks in april. and he messed around with this girl and she got pregnant, weather or not the baby is his is a question and shes actually being induced today. well, the farther along she got he felt the need to step up and be there for her. so we broke up again and i had stopped talking to him all together. well they got into a heated argument and she said he broke into her house and than admitted to lying about it so now hes in jail. i love this kid and he says hes sorry he was confused and he really wants to make it work but right now he expects so much from me while hes in jail and idk how to feel. im so confused i really want to make it work with him and i really want to be with him. but i dont know how to handle if this baby is his. i dont want this girl any wheres around him or us since shes thats crazy that she lied to getting him locked up. i mean me and this kid have been through so much hes always been there for me even when we were broken up. he just expects so much from me now while hes locked up and makes it all about him sometimes. and this baby thing. idk....so confused what to do what to do???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    UK: England
    Frigging hell.....sounds like something from Jerry Springer show....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Nothing is confusing here Kelly...You make this situation much more convoluted than it has to be.
    See, being off and on with someone is one sure fire way to have a sticky situation in which you are placed within silly drama most people outgrow.
    Unfortunately you aren't a good decision maker yourself when it comes to choosing suitable partners and this post exemplifies this fact.

    If I were you:
    Meet someone you are able to have a fresh start and not someone who cannot make good decisions themselves.
    Being on and off is an easy out for a coward to hide behind the excuse "we weren't together so I can F whoever I want" -without any accountability.
    Meet someone so you can have your own baby with him and not have to deal with being a part of a broken yet functional family environment.

    Or, stick it out and continue down a path filled with expectations, arguments, crap decisions and much more unneeded drama.
    Who knows he may change, the baby may not be his: a simple test would confirm suspicions, right?

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