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Thread: Was it me or her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Was it me or her?

    Ok i've been out of the game for a while (my last r.ship was over a year ago). I havn't realy tried hard enough or just didn't care about having a r.ship. I feel like since it's been a while that it has nocked my confidence a lil bit.

    Well my friends gf's friend was at my house the a while back and she was realy nice. But on that day I wasn't feeling well (hungover + ill) so I was in my own lil' world.
    Anyways I build up a lil' bit of courage and think wut the hell i'll send her a msg on facebook. After a few e-mails and some small talk we become friends and I asked her if she wanted to meet up. On the first date it went good. We went to a couple of pubs and had a few drinks. She was drinking coke and I was on the larger. Thought the night went good.
    So I decide to ask her again if she wants to meet up again and offer going to the movies. She says yeah and we pick a night/movie. Conversations went good, night went pretty decent. I didn't know where this r.ship was going, were not going out yet but I was attracted to this girl.
    On the 2nd date during the film I felt like I should of tried holding her hand but I kinda got a negative feeling since her hands were allways closed together that I just didnt want to force my hand in there. Don't know, like I said i'm kinda lacking conifdence.
    At the end of the movies it was late so I decided to drive her home. When outside hers she quickly gave me a peck on the lips, smiled then got out the car. I felt like I should of tired more there but I was like a deer caught in head lights lol.

    I never used to be this bad. I was alot more random and conifdent but now im rattling my brain over the stupidest things.

    Anyways I tell her that I want to see her again and see if she wants to meet up again. She says yeah blah blah blah and I get this txt saying sorry, i think ur awesome but id rather just keep as friends. sorry if u think im a twat now.

    Meh, sh!t happens. I just feel like should I of tried harder to in situations like holding her hand during the movies or make the first move to kiss her but I didn't wanna force it on her since I was kinda doing the running around trying to make a r.ship.

  2. #2
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    Personally I'd ask why she got to that decision.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Yeah I thought about asking her for feedback haha. Just to see if it was me or was it just her. Probs just her but my head rattles around at 1000MPH sometimes.

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