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Thread: Whats on her mind..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Whats on her mind..

    I've been going back and forth with this girl for 8 months now.. Basically in a never ending cycle of we start getting closer, thinks start to get hot and then we fight.. 8 months going thought this cycle .
    To better explain .. She has a bf.. Also she been burned several time by guys and kind give up..Even he boyfriend cheated on her and she forgive ..At same time we have this intense sexual attraction going on .. Such a huge chemistry.. We have a way to annoy and p*ss of (in a good way loll) each other.. When we are at "middle " of the cycle she hints that she wants more from me and that she has feelings.. When things start getting hot and I pressure a little bit..She goes all well you only a friend and no way we can ever be together.. And so the cycle begins.. 2 weeks of no talking then we start going out , after a week we are everyday together touch and teasing and flirting. Then bang.. We fight again..Yesterday we had another one.. We had a huge fight and I said I quit that I didn't went trough this again..I was tired of this cycle she kept saying that she didn't want to lose my friendship and that we could try in different way.. I told her that we been trying that for the last months and that don't works..I have no idea why can't she see that we just have too much chemistry going on..That we can't be simply be friends ..So I said goodbye saying I would not quit talking with her but that also I would change situation (aka no more going out only the 2 of us ).. Half an hour later she texts me saying I appreciate your feelings towards me.. That drive me crazy and I text her back saying "wtf are you sh*ting me" which she replied no I'm just so happy that someone feels what you feel for me ...That was the last drop.. I asked her that either she is a idiot with no idea of what she says /feels or she must think I'm an idiot..Today she msged me asking how I was and ask if I wanted to talk to her I just said I was to busy.. Later on she ask me if I could have a coffee with her which I declined.. I love this girl but this can't keep going like this..I can understand that she doenst wanna leave her boyfriend ,im even willing to believe that she doesnt have feelings for me wich doenst seem so.. why cant she understand we can never be just friends because of our chemistry and attraction So what do you guys think... Should I distance myself from her as I'm doing..Have you ever been trough a similar case ? Will we ever be together?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Since I'm a guy and this is a female advice forum, I will private message you my answer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    cnat sent messages back to ya but thanks man

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