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Thread: Saying "I love you".

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Saying "I love you".

    Hey everyone, I'm new here and not sure how everything works, but if anyone has any advice for my situation I would greatly appreciate it! I really love my boyfriend, and am 100% positive about this. I think he loves me as well, but I'm not sure if I should tell him...

    I met him about a year ago (through a mutual friend) and I was attracted to him instantly. He had just graduated from my high school (I was going into my junior year) so we knew each other slightly... We spent literally a week or so hanging out together and getting to know each other, and when he had a small party at his house, and we ended up having sex that night. We were both virgins, and even though what I did was completely unlike me, and unlike him, I think we just both felt something monumental and absurd. We spent the rest of that summer in a relationship, and then he went to college on the East Coast (We were in California), while I went to Turkey for 6 months on an exchange program. We kept in touch, but not all that extensively, as we were both engaged in our own thing. I know we were sad about this, but we both were "going after our goals" or any cheesy explanation like that.

    A couple of months ago, he came back home, and got in touch with me. We ended up together almost immediately, and I was so happy we hadn't been with anyone else throughout those months. After about a month of seeing each other we became exclusive, and plan to stay this way as long as we can (he is going into his sophomore year in college, and will leave in September). After all this time I really feel like I could not love anyone in the way I love him. He is so special to me, and while I hate the thought of not being with him, he has also motivated me in multiple ways - we are extremely connected, but I know we have also grown more independent from what we have created together... I guess I am just a stereotypical 17-year-old!

    Anyway, I want to tell him that I love him soon. We don't have a lot of time left before school starts, and I know it might work because our relationship is exponentially stronger than it was last summer because we truly know each other now, et cetera. but we both know an exclusive commitment while so far away would not be healthy or conducive... What I love about his nature is that he is extremely calm and logical, and although we have been separated, it was a calm and positive goodbye. I feel so strongly about telling him this, because I don't know what will happen after this year ends, I know I would regret it if I didn't tell him how I felt.

    He talks a lot about the future, mentioning when he will be home for certain holidays and breaks, and talking to me about how much he thinks I would love (and "hopes I will love") the school he goes to, about how I should visit him there. This makes me love him even more because the way he talks about these subjects is so leveled - I can tell that he would love it if I applied to his school, but wouldn't ever want me to go if it wasn't for me. Also, we had planned to take a camping trip together in August, and when my parents didn't want me to (surprise) we were both bummed out, but he kept telling me that there would be time in the future, that he knew we would go on that trip some day... He is a buddhist, and an immense advocate of living in the present moment, so something tells me the fact that he discusses things like this with me (he did not do so last summer) tells me it might mean something good? I love him, but not in an "I don't ever want you to be with another girl" way, it is more of a free-flowing, "you are incredibly special to me and I want you to be happy (but preferably with me!)" way. So I suppose the gist of this is me asking for your advice -

    should I let him know how I feel, or just live in the moment and not risk an undesired response? Thank you so much for reading this, I am grateful for input!

    p.s. Sometimes we play that game where we trace letters on each other's backs with our fingers and try to sense what is being written - I was thinking of tracing I love you on his back at some point? Is that over the top?

  2. #2
    Mathias's Avatar
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    This is beyond cute.

  3. #3
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    Tell him. There are no guarantees in life, but you'll regret it if you don't say it way more than if he doesn't say it back, and he'll say it back. Good luck,

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thank you so much for your advice, I think I am going to do it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Tell him but don't make it a big thing, say something like "you know, i think i love you, don't know why though" and laugh, that way its a bit of a joke but if he loves you he'll tell you back, if he doesnt he can just play it off.

  6. #6
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    Tell him... but also watch the first episode of How I met your mother afterward

  7. #7
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    Tell him. You find out really quickly if your feelings are reciprocated. In the long run, it saves time and aggravation. And, one way or the other, it feels good to hear yourself say it...to admit to an emotion.

  8. #8
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    Well, first, let me say I don't think you really know if you love him. I don't know if you've had the opportunity to spend enough time with him to know if you are in love, since love is a very complicated thing. That being said, if you really want to tell him you love him then do it. It's probably not going to make a difference in the long run whether you say it or not, but if you think he will say it back/feels the same way about you then go for it. This could be a bad thing, if he tells you he loves you too, and now you have somewhat of an obligation to him since he knows you love him. This will give him reason to judge you, jealousy could be created...

    If I was you, I would wait. I would go see him when he goes to school, make sure he stays interested in you when he leaves and when there are no more questions, tell him you love him. You don't want him leaving knowing that you are absolutely crazy about him if he doesn't feel the same. Then he might feel its OK to explore his options a bit more than if you didn't tell him how much you care.

  9. #9
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    My friend had a big crush on a boy, he always looked at her, looked and smiled, walk past her try to look in here eyes till one day, her best friend became brother and sister with him, she was chatting with her, the brother got on her facebook while she was away, he told her cute sayings, finally came her sisters prom, her date was his older brother,my friend and her crush were in the same house, finally came pictures, she was in the house alone putting on sneakers, he finished his arizona and went to put it in the trash, he came up to her and whispered' i love you ' he had to get home with his mom, but she never said it back, she is 10 and he wants to date her,he is a year older, but he wait for her to decide, should she date when they love echother so much.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Hi everyone, I hadn't logged on in a while, but I told him and he said it back, and we're still together!
    thank you so much for the advice

  11. #11
    Ric's Avatar
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    Just tell him casually. Throw it in somewhere at a moment you really feel it. But don't make a big deal out of it. Don't give it some awkward moment. If he says it back, he says it back, if he doesn't, he might be too scared to say it and pushing him won't work. But getting it out of your system is good for yourself.
    Even if he doesn't say it back, he will do so in time.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ric View Post
    Just tell him casually. Throw it in somewhere at a moment you really feel it. But don't make a big deal out of it. Don't give it some awkward moment. If he says it back, he says it back, if he doesn't, he might be too scared to say it and pushing him won't work. But getting it out of your system is good for yourself.
    Even if he doesn't say it back, he will do so in time.
    I love it when people don't read threads and just comment anyway

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horseyguy View Post
    I love it when people don't read threads and just comment anyway
    Ohwait... nvm. I thought you meant I needed to read the thread better, but there was a reply to the thread I should have read. xD

    Well, guess it can be ignored then.

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