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Thread: Ok... now what.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Ok... now what.

    So this girl I've known for a while and I are talking. We hung out a lot in highschool, she had a bf at the time.In 11th grade we got lunch almost every day. I remember one time someone asked if she was my girl, and she said yes before I could say no. Our senior year, back in 2008, was the last time I actually saw her.

    We started talking again recently. Sporadic, mostly over facebook and texts every now and then. A week ago, she was talking about how she just opted out of a relationship with a guy because she didn't want to do anything long distance right now. I then brought up how after everything I'd just been through, I'm taking myself off of the market for a bit.

    Then the topic randomly changed to "The First 48" and SVU. We're both addicted.

    I said we should get a bunch of junk food and watch a marathon of First 48/SVU all night. She said if it's McD's or BK, she's in. McNugget madness as I call it. She says "yesssss ". So she's going to find out when she has some free time, and is gonna pick a night for us to do this. Probably in a week or so.

    Now it did not occur to me until after she went to bed, that us getting junk food and doing this is sort of a date. And that by her agreeing and being... quite enthusiastic, that there's a possibility for something here.

    Which I find odd considering we would be LD when she's away at college (until June). But I'm not sure why it fell through with the other guy, don't think he has a car. *shrug*

    Anyways, I've always felt that there was chemistry here. So you'd think I'd be thrilled about everything, right?

    Of course not.

    I keep worrying that this whole thing is purely platonic. I'm not expecting to hit the ground running, but I DO like her. And I'd like for his to go somewhere. I'm not counting on anything. I'm essentially going to play it by ear and take any opportunities that I see.

    But, I guess what I'm asking is, do you guys thing that there's some potential here? Or am I reading too far into this and am firmly lodged in the friend zone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If she follows through with the plan to watch the show, make a innocent move after the night is over. Kiss her on the check and say good night when she leaves or simply tell her you want to see her again, ask her on a date. Let her know you like her. If you want something more, you have to take risks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I agree with the above statement. I look at it this way you are single now and will still be single if you don't take a shot at this one. It's better to give it a shot then to not try at all Oh and one thing that may help you if things do turn into a relationship. Go slow....... especially if the girl in question is a virgin or what not!!! Not all of us but id have to say most of us have had that one time where you are supposed to be on your first date but then find your self in the sack at your house going at it lol I'm just throwing this out there from experience in hopes that you can learn from my mistake (as i just lost the women of my dreams and don't know if i'll ever be in her life again). What I'm trying to get at here is, people have different comfort levels with being touchy feely and sex etc... For me i have no speed if i feel like i like a person and the mood is right then ima hit it. But you can screw up a relationship easily and very fast by going to fast. And theres no going back, for me my ex didn't communicate what she wanted very well (sexually). So i went with what i thought she wanted and apparently it was to much to soon, she had a spaz attack and it was never the same since, but i'll be fine just want to throw this out to all of you who may be younger than me. Sex is great but it is not the worlds greatest drug, hell id rather roll a joint. Its like the Christmas present underneath the tree you cant wait to open but once you open it and play with it its easy to put down and not care about....Wow that was long lmao sry for that >.<

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thanks guys.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Sounds like you're in =P
    It could go either way, so playing by ear is always a good bet.
    She mentioned being single now so that could mean she's letting you know for a reason, but she did also mention it's cause it was long distance which could be her way of saying back off. It's very hard to tell.
    Women are confusing, but you'll be able to tell when you meet her what's really going on, just don't force things too quickly after her break up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    I don't know if I can say if you are in the friend zone completely or not. I will say that McDonalds and shows about murder and sex crimes are not the most romantic ideas for a date.
    But I agree with Bonfire. You have to take a risk or two if you want something more than friendship. But I would wait until after your TV marathon. Because you made this arrangement as a friend. And if she wants more, you will find out soon enough. If she doesn't make any move, simply ask her out on a date afterwards and see what her reaction is.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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