I recently talked with a man over the phone for a few months and broke up with him. In the first 2 months, he was saying all these pretty words like "nothing is impossible" when I mentioned about the distance barrier. It is LD thing. He lives in another state. He also said he wanted something more than an ordinary friendship. He also admitted he has feelings for me over the phone. I could feel his laugh and the sexual energy in the air in the first month. Just the talk carried that kind of energy but the talk was about everyday talk.

A few months down the track, calls become less and less. Sometimes only two calls in a month with some flirting from him. Last month, when I called in and told him that I was annoyed about not receving his call when he promised to call me back in a few weeks time. Upon hearing that, he was laughing/ smiling. I don't know what is his intention of smiling. His smiling upon my annoyance of receving his call. Does it mean he likes to realize that I am waiting for him? If he is not interested in me, will he smile? Will a guy smile if the girl gets annoyed while waiting for him for so long and the guy is not interested in the girl? Please help me with this.

Recently I could not hold on there forever just to wait for his call when he can think of me while he is free, I decided to ask for taking a break. He agreed readily. But we shouted on the phone with a lot of anger. It is the first time we shouted at each other. I called in and said "Do you want this to contine?", and he asked me back. I said I want to take a break. And I asked him what will happen after taking a break, he said "We will see how we feel for each other by then" and the phone was off battery.

Last week, I could not even wait to see if he will still be there after a break, or he will still treat me with no regular calls after the break, so I called in to ask him if we can have more communications after the break. He said "I don't know". And the call ended. Afterwards, I called in again, and asked " Is it possible to have more communications after the break given your busy schedule?" He said it is impossible for the future. Actually I want to quit earilier on, and I want to make it clear cut that I don't have to wait for him in my heart. Its hurting. He said there are too many responsibilities he can't take on right now, and it is impossible for now and impossible for the future.

He then went on to say he lives so far away. What about "nothing is impossibe" in the beginning? I asked again " You said you have feelings for me and you are pulling me into something hopeless". He said he has feelings for his patients as well. Is he cheating? Can a man high on chemicals say he has strong feelings for me, and even smiled when I got annoyed of him not returning his call (3 weeks ago), and now all of a sudden said he has no feelings for me? I said "But you told me you wanted something more than an ordinary friendship". He said "You have misunderstood me". That made me feel I am mad and crazy over him. But he was leading me on from the beginning.

1/ Can someone tell me if I have misunderstood him? I don't need him to love me. I just want to repair the trust in myself, the trust in my own judgement.

2/ Do men always say one thing when they are high on hormones and then take back their words when their hormones die down? Then where does bonding come? If all the women in the world could not trust the words of men in the infatuation period, and if all of them lie when their hormones are high, then where do relationships come from?