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Thread: Guys who lack skill

  1. #46
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    I've never had kids, I'm petite, and I have never actually needed lube. Including my first time. The only time I've needed lube was when my bf wanted a quickie behind his parents house and I was not turned on in the least. The birth control must have enabled you to need lube.
    Once your body is producing its own lubricants you'll find that lube doesn't make sex feel better, it actually makes it quite easy to not feel anything at all!

  2. #47
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    Well, you know my body better than I do, so you must be right! Since your personal experience sets the standard of normal, I guess anyone who isn't like you must be a freak who has something wrong with them.

  3. #48
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloodtippedrose View Post
    I've never had kids, I'm petite, and I have never actually needed lube. Including my first time. The only time I've needed lube was when my bf wanted a quickie behind his parents house and I was not turned on in the least. The birth control must have enabled you to need lube.
    Once your body is producing its own lubricants you'll find that lube doesn't make sex feel better, it actually makes it quite easy to not feel anything at all!
    I think btr just likes a rough ride

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellyZ View Post
    Well, you know my body better than I do, so you must be right! Since your personal experience sets the standard of normal, I guess anyone who isn't like you must be a freak who has something wrong with them.
    Shelly, people are just sharing their personal experiences. Nobody is saying there is anything wrong with you. In fact, you have been saying that guys who dont use lube are clueless but maybe you should hear what others say before you jump to that conclusion.

    I've been with a few virgins myself and lube was not needed.

    Maybe, you like it personally and there is nothing wrong with that.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellyZ View Post
    Well, you know my body better than I do, so you must be right! Since your personal experience sets the standard of normal, I guess anyone who isn't like you must be a freak who has something wrong with them.

    Youre the one who said "the first few times you have sex, you need lube, no matter how wet you are on your own." talking like you know everyone elses body because YOU just lost your virginity so its fresh in YOUR mind. I dont claim to know shit about your body, I do, however, know that its not normal to be so dried up!
    Last edited by bloodtippedrose; 14-04-11 at 11:29 AM.

  6. #51
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Look at the nature of this debate. It is so petty

    All you women need a good hard fuccking

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoesntMatter View Post
    I think btr just likes a rough ride
    just now figuring that out? I thought you'd know me by now!

  8. #53
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    The birth control must have enabled you to need lube. Once your body is producing its own lubricants you'll find that lube doesn't make sex feel better, it actually makes it quite easy to not feel anything at all!
    Kind of sounds like you're diagnosing me with vaginal dryness over the Internet. I don't recall you sticking a finger in there to find out for yourself. Do you expect me to prove to you that it's never been an issue for me? Sorry, you'll just have to take my word for it. You're also trying to tell me that I'm experiencing side effects from my birth control. I think I would know if I was.

    And the fact is, most girls feel some pain or discomfort when they have sex for the first time. That's not my opinion, that's just a fact. It's normal and expected. If you didn't feel any discomfort your first time, you're a lucky girl, but you're in the minority (or your first boyfriend had a teeny weenie, who knows). Most girls do need lube their first few times; that's got nothing to do with my personal experience, it's just the way the female body is. Guys are clueless if they don't know that, or they slept through 8th grade sex ed. This is basic biology. There might be a few rare exceptions, but again, those girls are in the minority.

    There are even some girls who bleed the first time. That's pretty common. That didn't happen to me, but you don't hear me saying that it's not normal just because it didn't happen to me. It is normal, I was just lucky.

    And guys who think they had sex with a virgin and she didn't need lube, I got news for you: she was probably suffering in silence. Not all girls will speak up if sex is painful for them, they just endure it. Some girls don't even know about lube, so they don't request it. That must have been the case with my ex-boyfriend's previous girls, because they were in so much pain the first time that they had to stop, and it still didn't occur to the boy to use lube. That IS clueless, you have to admit.

  9. #54
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    This has turned into an "I have a wetter vagina" thread. The guys will be thrilled. haha

    For the record, the pain of having sex the first time isn't helped by lube. It hurts because your hymen (tissue) is being broken through, whether or not you are properly lubricated. But most virgins aren't well lubricated because they are too scared.
    Last edited by vashti; 14-04-11 at 12:09 PM.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  10. #55
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    If the guy doesn't know what the heck he's doing for that first time, then yes, you're gonna need some lube and lots of it.

  11. #56
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    This has turned into an "I have a wetter vagina" thread.
    Actually, that's not my claim. My claim is that people should not diagnose medical problems to complete strangers on the Internet. Nor should they decide that their rare circumstances are the new normal. That's like a woman saying "I didn't have any pain during childbirth, therefore no other woman should feel pain during childbirth, and if they do, there must be something wrong, because I didn't have that problem." Lucky for that woman, but she's in the minority, isn't she? It would be pretty nervy for her to suggest that she is the new normal, and that the vast majority of women are abnormal compared to her.

  12. #57
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    If the guy doesn't know what the heck he's doing for that first time, then yes, you're gonna need some lube and lots of it.
    Where are these guys who can magically shrink their penis to fit me, and where can I find them?

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShellyZ View Post
    Where are these guys who can magically shrink their penis to fit me, and where can I find them?
    Have these guys never tried foreplay with you? And I'm not just talking about a five minute rub, I mean REALLY make sure that you are in the mood, you're comfortable, you're relax, and you WANT it.

  14. #59
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    Thanks for the old and common information that I learned in 8th grade sex ed. What other exciting insight can you provide? That if men cum inside you, you can get pregnant? Zowie!

    I can't believe that you just lost your virginity two months ago and you're complaining that your boyfriend is a shitty lover. What makes you think you're such a sex goddess? You don't even know what good sex is except for what you've imagined! I know my first lover was fairly terrible but I learned that after gaining experience and having something to compare it to a few relationships later. Wouldn't it hurt your feelings if you found out he was telling people that having sex with you is like having sex with a pillow or that having sex with you doesn't compare to his previous lovers? Guys cannot learn what feels good for a women until the women verbalizes it to them, instead of a bunch of strangers on the internet. Sex is a game for two players so stop criticizing the poor guy and guide him, or, a novel idea, you get on top and let him criticize your work!

    Quote Originally Posted by ShellyZ View Post
    Actually, that's not my claim. My claim is that people should not diagnose medical problems to complete strangers on the Internet. Nor should they decide that their rare circumstances are the new normal. That's like a woman saying "I didn't have any pain during childbirth, therefore no other woman should feel pain during childbirth, and if they do, there must be something wrong, because I didn't have that problem." Lucky for that woman, but she's in the minority, isn't she? It would be pretty nervy for her to suggest that she is the new normal, and that the vast majority of women are abnormal compared to her.
    Have you ever heard of a defense mechanism called projection? Yeah, you're doing it right now
    Last edited by bloodtippedrose; 14-04-11 at 12:32 PM.

  15. #60
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    "Have these guys never tried foreplay with you? And I'm not just talking about a five minute rub, I mean REALLY make sure that you are in the mood, you're comfortable, you're relax, and you WANT it."

    Yes, we always spend hours on foreplay, and I mean that literally. It's fun, why would we skip that? I'm not the type to rush anything. And this may come as a surprise, but women know when they're turned on. I don't have to wait for my vagina to tell me. I know, men think with their penis, but women are different. But you know, if size is an issue, being aroused as hell still won't solve the problem. Even if my own bodily fluids are soaking the sheets, I'm still a small woman and he's still a not-small guy. What do you do about that?

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