B) Some Muslim girls I know do date out side of their religion.
But when it comes to the families, usually that of the girl, issues will rise and some will object to even a relationship.
In my case I have no problem because I have a multi-religious background due to living with various family members and I don't follow any single one strongly although I'm more familiar with Christianity while also taking part in Buddhist practices in my village.
But because many girls have assumed I'm purely a Muslim due to a majority of my surrounding family members (grandfather, aunts, nearby relatives etc...), there's always an issue and they tend to pull away.
Sometimes even stating that I go rarely to church and mostly to the temple causes some confusion, and I get some negative responses from them.
The best thing to do is talk to the girl when given the chance - something I should have done many times but failed to - and then take it from there. Some will be alright, some may not be interested in anyone outside.
In my opinion it is trouble when both sides are of two different religions and sometimes unneeded or unexpected problems arise, but it doesn't matter if both girl and guy really care about each other and build on it together.
-Any replies by me are purely my opinion and based on my experiences and inexperienced actions meaning some things I say are right and some are wrong. If it sounds like it, I am not giving a solution or answer to the problem. This is why I am not supposed to post on forums I read only from.
Rider Viper
My Sister Says: "You're moving on pretty fast."
I say: "Would you prefer if I sit in a corner all day?"